
Baby Gator / Bomber Worms

Season 4 Episode 7

Themes:  Helping, Empathy

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles encourages Kwazii not to view the alligators as “swamp monsters” in the first part of the episode. In the second part of the episode, he offers to help the bomber worms rescue the worm that fell to the ocean floor.


In the first half of this episode, Kwazii starts off afraid of the alligators who he sees as swamp monsters, but after forming a friendship with one of the baby alligators he decides that they aren’t so bad after all.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Baby Gator

  • The Octonauts are watching a group of alligators in the swamp, and Quazi thinks they’re swamp monsters. Captain Barnacles assures him that they aren’t swamp monsters, and points out how kindly the mother is taking care of her babies. Barnacles assures Quazi and the others that the alligators won’t hurt them as long as they keep their distance, but Quazi still thinks they seem like swamp monsters.
  • The Octonauts head back to the Octopod in the GUP-K, but one of the baby alligators sneaks onto their vehicle before they leave. In the middle of the night, the baby alligator climbs out of the GUP-K and sneaks into Quazi’s room, and awakens him by biting his tail.
  • The baby alligator, named Nipper, asks Quazi if he can stay on the ship and explore, and Quazi agrees that they don’t have to tell Captain Barnacles right away. Nipper starts running around the ship, though, and Quazi has to chase him.
  • Nipper makes his way to the launch bay and decides to take a swim in the water, and Quazi jumps in trying to catch him. Nipper accidentally presses a button that launches them into the open ocean, and a hungry shark almost gets him. Quazi and Nipper get caught in a current that take them far from the ship, and Quazi finally calls Barnacles to tell him what’s going on. Not only are hungry animals circling the pair, but Nipper is an alligator and can’t stay in the salt water for long.
  • Unable to locate Quazi and Nipper on the map, the Octonauts decide to put tracer dye in a few nearby freshwater springs so that Quazi can locate one of them and bring Nipper to safety. Though he has to fight off a group of hungry sharks to get there, Quazi does eventually bring Nipper to a freshwater spring where the Octonauts are able to pick them up.
  • They return Nipper to the mother alligator in the swamp, who thanks the Octonauts and explains that she’d been worried sick about Nipper. Quazi decides that alligators aren’t swamp monsters after all.

Part 2: Bomber Worms

  • Peso, Quazi, and Barnacles, venture out on the GUP to bring some new wires to Twig at the Octolab. On their way, they see a flash of green light in the distance and swim out of the ship to investigate.
  • The trio starts to get attacked by a group of small creatures throwing glowing green objects at them. When the captain of the group collides with Captain Barnacles, Barnacles picks him up and explains that they aren’t the enemy. Convinced that the three Octonauts are friendly, the small creature orders the others to stop attacking and explains that they’re bomber worms.
  • The bomber worms realize that one of them is missing and must’ve gotten knocked to the ocean floor while they were fighting. The bomber worms captain refuses to leave one of his own behind, and Captain Barnacles offers to help them rescue the fallen bomber worm. They’re concerned that it might get eaten on the ocean floor by a hungry creature, so Barnacles sounds the octoalert and instructs the Octonauts to start searching for it.
  • Despite some encounters with hungry ocean creatures, the fallen bomber worm, Jimmy, is able to get the attention of the search party using his last remaining green flare.
  • Peso, the medic Octonaut, helps bandage him so he can be transported back to the Octolab while the others fend off the hungry fish surrounding them. Captain Barnacles finally tows the group back to the Octolab on the GUP, and Twig turns the lights on in the Octolab as the hungry fish approach to scare them off.
  • The captain of the bomber worms thanks Captain Barnacles for helping them, and Captain Barnacles assures him that he’s always happy to help a fellow captain.

Discussion Questions

This episode provides an opportunity to discuss topics like empathy and helping others with your child. We encourage you to ask your child about what happened in the episode, and consider exploring some of the questions below.

  • Do you remember what Quazi thought about the alligators at the beginning of the episode? What did he think of them after he got to know Nipper better?
  • Why do you think didn’t Quazi tell Captain Barnacles about Nipper right away? Do you think something different would have happened if he had told Captain Barnacles sooner?
  • What happened when the Octonauts first encountered the bomber worms? Why do you think the bomber worms were attacking them?
  • How did the Octonauts help the bomber worms? Can you think of a time when you helped someone else, or when someone else helped you?

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