Support your child's learning from their favorite TV & movies


Age 4+

Available on Amazon Prime Video

Captain Barnacles and the Octonauts go on underwater missions to save all of the creatures of the sea, teaching children about animals as well as themes like empathy and working together.


The Magic School Bus Rides Again

Age 6+

Available on Netflix

Join Ms. Frizzle and her class on magical adventures that teach scientific concepts in addition to social and emotional themes like working together and having a growth mindset.


Ask the StoryBots

Age 3+

Available on Netflix

The StoryBots go on adventures to find answers to kids' questions, from why people look different to how chocolate gets made.



Age 6+

Available on Netflix

Hilda is a young girl who grew up with her mother in a cabin in the woods. Over the course of the series, she and her deerfox Twig, later accompanied by an elf named Alfur, and friends David and Frida, go on a number of adventures interacting with and befriending the mysterious animals and spirits that live in and around the city of Trolberg.


PJ Masks

Age 4+

Available on Netflix

Connor, Amaya, and Greg turn into the PJ Masks at night time to fight crime. As the PJ Masks, Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko overcome challenges to defeat the villains in their city, from the evil genius Romeo, to high-flying Luna Girl, to the pesky Night Ninja and his sticky splat. Through their adventures, the show explores themes like working together, perseverance, and doing the right thing.


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