
Baby Sea Turtles / Octopod Mystery

Season 4 Episode 3

Themes:  Patience, Compromising

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles encourages the group to have patience while they’re waiting for the baby sea turtles to hatch in the first half of the episode. In the second part of the episode, he makes a compromise with an octopus that the group finds aboard the old Octopod in order to get the bubble converter they need.


One of the Octonauts, Kwazii expresses some frustration over needing to wait for the sea turtles to hatch early in the episode. He then makes multiple attempts to help one of the struggling sea turtles, though the turtle repeatedly tells him that he wants to get to the water on his own.


Tweak is the helicopter-operating member of the Octonauts who uses the helicopter to help the sea turtles in the first half of the episode. In the second part of the episode, Tweak investigates the trouble with the Octopod and realizes they need a new bubble converter, leading to their adventure to the old Octopod for a replacement.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Baby Sea Turtles

  • The Octonauts have set up cameras on a beach so they can watch baby sea turtles hatch, but they might have to wait a long time because they can’t be sure when the eggs will hatch. Captain Barnacles encourages the group to have patience, and assures them that it will be worth the wait.
  • The group falls asleep circled around the TV waiting for the turtles to hatch, but they are awoken by an alert telling them a large wave is headed for that beach. Worried that the turtles won’t hatch if their eggs get too wet, they head for the beach to transport them somewhere safe.
  • The Octonauts carefully load the eggs into transport containers, then Twig uses the GUP-H helicopter to lift the eggs into the sky before the wave hits. After the wave, they bring the eggs to a new, drier beach and rebury the eggs.
  • Just as Barnacles is once again encouraging Quazi to wait for the eggs to hatch, they see the mounds of sand start to move and the turtles emerge. Sea turtles usually hatch at night when there are fewer predators, but the lower temperatures at this beach seem to have confused the turtles into thinking it’s night time.
  • As the turtles hatch and make their way toward the ocean, the Octonauts see hungry seagulls circling overhead. They use fish biscuits to distract the seagulls so they don’t try to eat the turtles.
  • Quazi tries to offer help to one of the sea turtles, but the turtle explains that he wants to get to the ocean all by himself. When that sea turtle is swooped up by a seagull, though, the Octonauts use the helicopter to rescue it and return it to the sand so it can walk into the ocean with the others.

Part 2: The Octopod Mystery

  • When the Octopod starts malfunctioning, Twig checks and finds that the bubble converter is broken. They won’t be able to drive the Octopod without a bubble converter, but they reveal to the group that there was an original Octopod before the current one that crashed and became an artificial reef. It should have a functional bubble converter on it, so Captain Barnacles, Twig, Quazi, and Peso head out in the GUP-A to find it.
  • When the group arrives at the old Octopod, they become concerned that some other creature is in there with them. They find the bubble converter, but the lights flicker off and the converter is snatched out of Twig’s hand.
  • The group explores the Octopod in search of whoever took the bubble converter, and through brief encounters they each find clues to the identity of the presumed thief - it’s orange, has eight hands, and can shoot ink. They call HQ with this information, and Shellington suggests it’s probably a Pacific Octopus who has made the broken down ship its home.
  • Thinking that the octopus took the bubble converter because it was curious about something new, the group tries to lure and capture it using a flashlight. The octopus comes to their trap, but quickly escapes and they chase it around the ship.
  • They finally talk to the octopus, and learn that she’s mad that they invaded her home without her permission. She thinks the bubble converter belongs to her because it’s her home. Captain Barnacles apologizes to her, and explains that they didn’t know she was living there. Rather than fighting over the bubble converter, he offers to make a trade and give her his flashlight in exchange for it. She agrees, and the Octonauts return with the bubble converter and fix their ship.

Discussion Questions

In the first part of this episode, Captain Barnacles encourages the group to have patience while they’re waiting for the baby sea turtles to hatch. We encourage you to talk to your child about patience, and consider exploring some of the questions below.

  • Do you remember when the Octonauts had to wait for the baby sea turtles to hatch, and Captain Barnacles encouraged them to be patient? What do you think it means to be patient?
  • Can you remember a time when you were patient and waited for something? How did you feel?

In the second half of the episode, the Octonauts make a trade with the octopus to get their bubble converter back. We encourage you to ask your child about the trade, and consider using the questions below to discuss compromise with them.

  • At the end of the episode, what did Captain Barnacles give the octopus in exchange for the bubble converter? Why do you think he offered to give something away to the octopus? Did they both seem happy after the trade?
  • Sometimes we give something up in order to get something in return. Can you think of a time when this has happened to you?

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