PJ Masks

Catboy No More / Gekko Vs. the Splatcano

Season 2 Episode 15

Themes:  Perseverance, Feeling Sad

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy’s powers are stolen by Romeo, leaving him feeling sad and helpless. He feels like he’s no use to the PJ Masks anymore, but after Owlette and Gekko’s encouragement, he realizes he can still be a hero without his powers.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette assures Catboy that he’s still an important part of their group without his powers, and she urges him not to give up.

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, a booby trap on Mystery Mountain sends Gekko flying through the air, and he’s resistant to return with Owlette and Catboy because he doesn’t think his powers of strength are as useful there. In the end, though, he needs to return to the top of the mountain to save their town from a splat volcano, and he realizes he’s capable of more than he thought.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Catboy No More

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg are playing outside, when they see Romeo’s robot approach them in a disguise and seem to start measuring Connor. They wonder what the robot was up to being out in the daytime, so they turn into the PJ Masks that night to find out.
  • The PJ Masks find Romeo in the street, and he zaps Catboy with a ray that he calls his vacuum of doom. Catboy tries to run at Romeo’s lab, but he finds that his super speed is gone. Catboy assures Owlette and Gekko that he’s okay, but he stays behind while Owlette and Gekko chase Romeo through town.
  • Catboy realizes that all of his powers are gone, and he looks sad as he exclaims that “this can’t be happening!” He sits down in his car, looking defeated.
  • Owlette and Gekko narrowly escape a dangerous situation while they’re chasing Romeo, and they end up falling right into Catboy’s cat car that he’s driving down the street. Catboy tells Owlette and Gekko that Romeo stole his powers, and he tells them that he feels helpless because everything that made him Catboy vanished. Owlette assures him that they’ll find a way to get his powers back, and she tells him not to worry.
  • They find Romeo again, and they overhear him talking about creating a new super suit that he plans to charge up with Catboy’s powers. The PJ Masks try to steal back the glowing ball that holds Catboy’s powers, but they’re unsuccessful.
  • After their failed attempt to get his powers back, Catboy tells Gekko and Owlette that he’s no use to them anymore without his powers. Gekko reminds Catboy that he saved him and Owlette in his car moments earlier, and Owlette assures Catboy that he’s still Catboy and they need him to stay strong for the team. Catboy decides that they’re right, and that he won’t let Romeo get away with this.
  • Catboy drives the group to find Romeo again. Romeo tries zapping Owlette to get her powers, but Catboy blocks the laser each time to protect her. He realizes that he was able to heroically protect Owlette even without any powers. Catboy grabs the remote for Romeo’s vacuum of doom, and Gekko crushes it.
  • Romeo and his robot bounce away in defeat, and Catboy finally catches the ball with his powers. His powers are restored, and he feels like himself again.

Part 2: Gekko vs. the Splatcano

  • This episode opens as Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko are watching Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos do something mysterious outside of the pagoda at the top of Mystery Mountain. Catboy and Owlette want to rush in, but Gekko is hesitant because he doesn’t think his powers are much use against the booby traps in the area. When the PJ Masks do go in and approach the Ninjalinos, Gekko steps on a stone that launches him into the air and sends him flying down the mountain. It’s almost morning, so the PJ Masks decide to go home for the night.
  • The next day, they notice splat leaking out around the portal to Mystery Mountain, and they suspect it might have something to do with whatever Night Ninja was up to. That night, they turn back into the PJ Masks to return to Mystery Mountain and find out.
  • As they climb Mystery Mountain, Gekko notices splat fountains that he can block with rocks. He thinks that moving rocks is a better use of his super strength, so he tells Owlette and Catboy to go to the top of the mountain without him while he does this instead. Owlette and Catboy are reluctant, and Owlette assures Gekko that he won’t get thrown down the mountain again, but Gekko is sure this is what he wants to do.
  • Catboy and Owlette find Night Ninja at the top of the mountain, and they learn that he’s using a potion to turn the rock of the mountain into super strong splat that will flood the city. They manage to grab the potion out of Night Ninja’s hands.
  • Catboy and Owlette return to Gekko and tell him they’re going back to HQ to study the potion, but Gekko wants to stay on the mountain blocking up the splat fountains.
  • Catboy and Owlette study the potion and work with PJ Robot to create a reverse potion, and they return to Mystery Mountain with this new potion that can reverse Night Ninja’s work and turn the mountain back into rock. They plead with Gekko to come to the top of the mountain with them so they can work together, but he still doesn’t want to.
  • Owlette and Catboy return to the pagoda, but they get attacked by Ninjalinos. Owlette wishes they had Gekko’s help. Night Ninja tells Owlette and Catboy that there’s going to be a big volcano splat explosion due to Gekko’s work blocking all of the splat fountains, and Owlette and Catboy race back down the mountain to warn Gekko.
  • When they get to Gekko, the splat volcano explodes and Catboy and Owlette become stuck in balls of splat. They tell Gekko he needs to hurry to stop the splat before it floods the city, and Gekko races up to the top of the mountain on his own to do the reverse potion.
  • On his first attempt, Gekko again gets tossed out of the pagoda area by a booby trap, but he immediately tries again. This time, he effectively dodges the booby traps and Ninjalinos. He pours the reverse potion down the hole in the ground, and it immediately puts an end to the splat explosion.
  • Gekko returns to Owlette and Catboy. He tells them that the mountain will always be a special place to him because it’s where he realized that he’s more than just lizard muscle after all.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes with your child including feeling sad and persevering after having trouble. Consider exploring some of these questions together.

  • How do you think Catboy felt when he lost his powers? How could you tell? Why do you think he felt that way?
  • Why do you think Catboy didn’t give up even after he lost his powers? What role did Owlette and Gekko play? Do you think it’s a good thing that he didn’t give up?
  • How did Catboy help the PJ Masks even without his powers? Do you think he was still a hero? What do you think it means to be a hero?
  • Why do you think Gekko didn’t want to go back to the top of Mystery Mountain with Catboy and Owlette? What happened when he actually did go back to the top of the mountain at the end of the episode to stop the volcano explosion? What do you think Gekko learned about his own capabilities by doing this? How do you think he felt?
  • Can you think of something that you’ve had trouble doing? Did you try again, and what happened if you did? If not, what do you think would happen if you tried again?

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