
Chapter 1: The Hidden People

Season 1 Episode 1

Themes:  Empathy, Helping, Understanding other Perspectives

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


Upset by her mom’s plans to move, Hilda is determined to resolve their conflict with the Hidden People. In doing so, she often seeks to understand others’ perspectives and demonstrates empathy toward creatures different from her.


A member of the Hidden People, Alfur befriends Hilda and helps her understand why the Hidden People are made at her and her mom. He understands that Hilda didn’t mean any harm to his community, so he helps her find a way to resolve the conflict.

Hilda's Mom

Concerned about the Hidden People’s attack on their home, Hilda’s mom wants to move their family to the nearby city of Trollberg.


Twig is Hilda’s dog-like deer fox companion. He sometimes appears frightened by the creatures in the forest, but Hilda helps assure him that everything will be alright.

Plot Highlights

  • The episode opens as Hilda is adventuring through the forest with her deer fox companion, Twig. The pair come across a giant troll rock, a creature that is frozen like a rock during daylight but comes alive after dark. Hilda wants to stay and draw the creature, so they place a bell on its long nose that will warn them when it starts to move.
  • At nightfall, the bell starts to ring as the troll rock comes to live, and Hilda and Twig run away through the forest. When they finally reach Hilda’s house, the troll rock comes up behind them and tears fall from its eyes. Though she was initially frightened, Hilda realizes the troll rock is in distress because of the bell on its nose, and she gently approaches and removes the bell. Instead of hurting her, the troll rock returns her sketchbook that she left in the forest.
  • Hilda and her mom receive a letter from The Hidden People, an invisible group of tiny creatures that have been threatening them in an attempt to force them to leave their house. Hilda’s mom suggests they move to the nearby city Trollberg, but Hilda is upset by the idea of moving away from the house in the forest where she’s spent her whole life.
  • The Hidden People attack Hilda’s house that night. Hilda’s mom warns that if one more incident like this happens they’re going to move to the city, and Hilda becomes determined to fix their relationship with the Hidden People. That night, she leaves a note for the group on her doorstep asking them why they’re mad and how they can live together in peace.
  • In the night, Hilda is visited by one of the Hidden People, Alfur. He gives her a stack of paperwork to sign, and suddenly she’s able to see the Hidden people. Alfur, a tiny elf-like create, pops out from behind her ear.
  • Alfur explains that Hilda’s house is right in the middle of the Hidden People’s home, and when Hilda goes outside she sees countless tiny houses scattered around. Alfur explains that their new Prime Minister has promised to get rid of Hilda and her mom, so Hilda asks to meet the Prime Minister to resolve the problem.
  • Alfur first takes Hilda to the Hidden People’s mayor, and she tries to assure him that she and her mother didn’t mean any harm. The mayor tells her it’s out of his hands, though, so she sets out with Alfur and Twig to find the Prime Minister.
  • When Hilda finds the Prime Minister, he explains that the bright lights and loud sounds from her house have been bothering the Hidden People, as well as her and her mom stepping on their houses. Hilda tries to compromise, and she offers to stop these behaviors if she and her mom are allowed to stay. However, the Prime Minister tells her that her family is an enemy to the King, so it’s out of his hands.
  • Hilda looks disappointed after her meeting with the Prime Minister, and Alfur offers to take her to the King. They decide to set out for the King the following day.

Discussion Questions

This episode explores themes like empathy, helping others, and understanding others’ perspectives. We encourage you to discuss these themes with your child, and consider some of the following questions to get your conversation started.

  • At the beginning of the episode, how do you think the troll rock felt about the bell on its nose? How did Hilda respond when she realized it was in distress? What did you think of Hilda’s actions with the troll rock?
  • How do you think Hilda felt when she and her mom got the letter from the Hidden People telling them they had to move? Why do you think she felt that way? Can you think of a time when you felt that way?
  • How did the Hidden People feel about Hilda and her mom? Why did they feel this way? Do you think Hilda had known that she was upsetting the Hidden People? How did she try to compromise with the Prime Minister?

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