
Chapter 4: The Sparrow Scouts

Season 1 Episode 4

Themes:  Working Together, Making Mistakes, Apologizing

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


Having recently moved to town from the forest, Hilda is excited to work on a team in this episode because she’s never worked on a team with other kids her age before. She feels bad that they accidentally dug up the Vittra’s friends, and she apologizes to him for the mistake.


A highly organized and badge-motivated girl that Hilda meets at Sparrow Scouts, Frida is disappointed during this episode when things don’t go as she’d planned, but she starts to learn that the experiences they share might be worthwhile nonetheless.


David is excited to join the team with Hilda and Frida, but at times he becomes afraid during their project.

The Vittra

A creature who lives underground, the Vittra is angry with Hilda, Frida, and David when they dig up his friends in their attempt to clean the park. He steals Frida’s Sparrow Scout sash, but later gives it back to honor their compromise when Hilda and her friends rescue the other vittras.

Plot Highlights

  • Hilda’s mom brings Hilda to a Sparrow Scout meeting, where she joins the troop and meets Frida and David. The trio decide to work together on the Friend of the Park badge, which their troop leader explains will entail cleaning up an area of the park over the weekend.
  • Frida makes a detailed project plan for the group, but when they arrive at the park on the second day they find that all of their hard work from the day before has been undone.
  • The Vittra comes out and confronts the group, and he explains that the weeds they’d been digging up were actually his friends. The Vittra accuses Hilda and her friends of being careless. Hilda tries to explain that they made a mistake, and Frida asserts that they really do care.
  • The Vittra steals Frida’s Sparrow Scout sash, and Hilda and Frida chase him down his tunnel. When Hilda finally catches up to him, he suggests an agreement that he’ll give it back to Frida if they help him find his friends.
  • The trio had already brought the dug up weeds from the day before to a mulching center, and Hilda says she’ll go back to rescue the Vittras before they get mulched. David and Frida volunteer to go with her to help, and the Vittra tags along as well.
  • Hilda must climb up a tall conveyor belt to rescue the other Vittras, and David and Frida catch her in a bin of dirt to break her fall on the way down. They return the vittras to the park and Frida gets her sash back.
  • Frida is disappointed that they didn’t complete the plan and get their badge, but she’s still happy about the experience they all shared.

Discussion Questions

This episode explores themes including teamwork and apologizing for mistakes. We encourage you to explore some of the following questions in  your discussion today:

  • How did the Vittra (the creature in the park) feel when Hilda and her friends dug up his friends? Do you think they meant to make him feel this way? Do you think it was important for them to apologize, even if they hadn’t meant to upset him?
  • In this episode, Hilda, Frida, and David work together on a team. What do you think is good about working on a team? Do you remember a time that you’ve worked on a team?

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