
Coconut Crisis / Sunfish

Season 4 Episode 14

Themes:  Working Together, Stealing

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


Kwazii is excited for his vacation in the beginning of the episode, but when a thief starts stealing his coconuts, he’s determined to find them so they don’t get away with it.


The medic of the Octonauts, Peso is always looking out for other animals to make sure they’re okay. In the second part of the episode, he takes care of the creatures that collide with the sunfish, then tries to help the sunfish when they realize it’s covered with parasites.

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles helps coordinate the efforts of the group to overcome challenges. In the first part of the episode, he also helps the crabs and the “coconut thief” octopus reach an agreement that makes them both happy.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Coconut Crisis

  • Quazi is excited to leave for his vacation on Coconut Crab Island. Though he’s sure that there won’t be any emergencies on his trip, Captain Barnacles has him take an emergency octo-alert button just in case something goes wrong.
  • When Quazi arrives on the island, he greets a family of crabs. One of the child crabs, Clarence, loves pirates, and he asks Quazi if he can sit with him while Quazi reads his pirate story. The pair sit together in a hammock as Quazi reads, and they fall asleep there.
  • Quazi is awoken when something snatches the coconut that he was drinking out of right from under his arm. Though the other crabs aren’t concerned, Quazi tells Clarance that you can’t steal a pirate’s coconut and get away with it. As they’re looking for the coconut thief, coconuts start flying toward them from above, and one hits Quazi in the head knocking him out.
  • When Quazi is unconscious, Clarence uses the button to sound the octo-alert. When the Octonauts arrive, Quazi and the other crabs explain how all of their coconuts are going missing. Captain Barnacles assures them that they’ll find the thief and recover the coconuts.
  • The group gets hit by another set of coconuts from the sky, and they see something quickly dash under the surface of the water. Convinced that the coconut thief must be in the water, Captain Barnacles, Quazi, and Peso swim out into the sea to look for it. They don’t find the thief, but they find a bunch of the coconuts, and start bringing them back to shore.
  • Quazi returns Clarence’s special pirate coconut to him, but the coconut starts rolling itself back out to the water. They see a pair of eyes pop up between the halves of the coconut, and they chase the coconut into the water.
  • Though they have to try a couple of different strategies to catch the coconut thief, they finally do catch it. It turns out to be an octopus, who tells them that he’s not a thief, he’s just a coconut octopus who uses coconuts for protection. It apologizes for throwing coconuts at them, and explains that it was just trying to crack the coconuts in half.
  • Barnacles facilitates an agreement between the octopus and the crabs so they can both be happy. The crabs agree to crack some coconuts for the octopus as long as it agrees not to steal any more from them. Quazi returns Clarence’s special coconut again, and insists that he’d never let a fellow pirate down.

Part 2: Sunfish

  • Peso is treating a bunch of fish and seagulls in his medic office, Sick Bay. They’ve all reported that they got hit by a giant fish head. Concerned that other creatures might’ve gotten hit by the fish head as well, Peso and Quazi head out in the GUP-E submarine to search.
  • They don’t find any injured animals or a giant fish head underwater, but when they go up to the surface they see the fish head jump out of the water and strike another gull. Peso bandages the gull in the back of their boat.
  • Suddenly, the giant fish head is launching toward their boat, and they all jump out just before it lands in the boat and gets stuck inside. The boat starts sinking with the weight of the huge fish, and Quazi calls Barnacles for help. Just before the boat crashes on the ocean floor, Barnacles and Shellington arrive with a towing submarine and tows it to safety.
  • The fish tells them that its stuck and needs help, so they pull on its tail to free it from the boat. The fish introduces himself as Sunny, and he’s a very large type of fish called a sunfish.
  • Sunny explains that he was jumping out of the water because he has a bad case of the itchies, so Peso takes a look and sees that he has many parasites living in his scales. Shellington tells them that sunfish can get rid of their parasites by letting cleaner fish and gulls clean them off.
  • Shellington and Quazi go back to Sick Bay to get some of the gulls and cleaner fish to clean off the sunfish, while Peso and Barnacles lead the sunfish to the surface. On the way, the sunfish gets caught in a current, but the four Octonauts are able to get him out by working together and using booster packs.
  • Once the sunfish is on the surface, the gulls are able to clean the parasites off of his top side while the cleaner fish clean off the bottom. The sunfish thanks them for their help, and Peso gives him a sticker for being a good patient.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to talk to your child about topics including stealing and working together. Consider using some of the questions below to get you started.

  • How did Quazi, Clarence, and the other crabs feel when their coconuts were getting stolen? Why do you think they felt that way?
  • Why was the octopus stealing the coconuts? Do you think taking the coconuts was an okay thing for the octopus to do? What do you think the octopus could have done instead?
  • How did the cleaner fish and gulls work together to clean off the sunfish? Can you think of another time when the Octonauts worked together during this episode? What about a time when you worked together with others?

Episode List