
Crawfish / Surfing Snails

Season 4 Episode 6

Themes:  Perseverance

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles helps the group make a plan for how they’ll accomplish their goals, and encourages them to keep trying when things don’t work the first time.


Peso is the medic of the Octonauts, and he tries to cure the crawfish of their shell rot in the first part of the episode. He appears discouraged when the anti-fungus cream doesn’t work, but he doesn’t give up and tries a different strategy.


Dashi meets two surfing snails while she’s surfing in the second part of the episode, and she bravely puts her surfing skills to the test when she has to surf a big wave to rescue Kwazii and the snails.


In the second part of the episode, Kwazii struggles to learn how to surf, but in the end he gives it another try and has more success.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Crawfish

  • A few of the Octonauts are driving through the swamp, and they come across a group of crawfish with itchy spots. The medic Peso identifies it as shell rot. Peso wonders where they could have caught it, and the crawfish tell them about a recent visitor who they don’t remember much about.
  • Peso declares the situation a medical emergency, and he calls Captain Barnacles back on the Octopod to sound the octoalert. The rest of the Octonauts arrive, and Captain Barnacles splits them up into three groups who will be responsible for curing the crawfish, preventing the illness from spreading, and tracking down the visitor who caused it.
  • In the medical tent, Shellington uses a magnifying glass and sees that the shell rot spots are made of a fast-growing fungus. Peso tries a fungus cream, but it doesn’t work to stop the itching. They send the vegimals to the Octopod to bring fresh water to see if rinsing the crawfish helps.
  • Quazi and Captain Barnacles search for the visitor who brought the illness, and eventually they come across a crab who also has spots. They chase her as she runs toward the medical tent near the crawfish village.
  • A vegimal got a bucket of fresh water from the faucet on the Octopod, but it refilled the bucket with salt water after spilling it by accident. The water is given to Peso to rinse off the crawfish, and though he’s initially disappointed that it’s salt water instead of fresh, it actually ends up curing the shell rot.
  • Peso uses the salt water bath to cure the crawfish and the crab. They also realize that the crab is an an invasive species and promise to take her back home.

Part 2: Surfing Snails

  • The Octonauts are spending a day at the beach, and Dashi is excited to go out surfing. Quazi and Peso join her, but Quazi has some trouble learning how to surf.
  • Peso and Quazi head back for shore leaving Dashi surfing alone. She meets a couple of surfing snails, Violet and Vic, and brings them back to the beach to show the rest of the group. They tell the group about how they create bubbles to float on and live their lives on the surface of the water.
  • Dashi goes back out to surf with the snails, but she starts looking uneasy because they’re going very far from shore. A huge wave comes and they start to surf it, but it knocks Dashi off her board. Bobbing in the rough water, she looks around for the snails and sees them struggling to stay afloat.
  • Dashi calls the rest of the Octonauts and tells them that Violet and Vic are in danger of drowning because their bubbles are popping faster than they can remake them. Dashi joins the rest of the group as they head out on the GUP-X to find the snails.
  • They fly above the water and Quazi hangs down with a net attempting to scoop up the snails from the water’s surface, but he’s not able to reach them. Next, Quazi tries to catch the snails riding the octoski, a jetski-like vehicle, but a large wave throws him off the jetski before he can get the snails.
  • Finally, Dashi decides to try surfing the waves to save the snails and Quazi. Though it’s not easy, she succeeds at capturing the snails and grabbing Quazi, and she brings them to calm water so the rest of the Octonauts can pick them up.
  • In the end, Dashi encourages Quazi to give surfing one more try, Quazi agrees, and they surf one more time alongside the surfing snails.

Discussion Questions

After your child watches this episode, we encourage you to ask them what the episode was about, and consider discussing the perseverance shown by the Octonauts in both episodes.

  • Why did the crawfish need help from the Octonauts?
  • Do you remember what Peso tried first to cure them, and what happened when he tried it? How do you think Peso felt when the anti-fungus cream didn’t work? What did he try instead?
  • What happened when Dashi went out surfing with the surfing snails in the big waves? Why did they need to be rescued? How did the Octonauts try to save the surfing snails? What did they do when their first tries didn’t work? Do you think it’s good that they didn’t give up?
  • What happened when Quazi tried to learn to surf? What did you think when he tried again at the end?

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