PJ Masks

Easter Wolfies / Luna and the Wolfies

Season 2 Episode 14

Themes:  Patience, Working Together, Perseverance

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of this episode, Gekko struggles to resist his chocolate egg, even though he’s promised that he’d wait until the following day to eat it. He feels guilty when his inability to wait puts the eggs all at risk, and he ultimately sacrifices his own chocolate egg in a plan to save the others.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette encourages Gekko to wait until Easter to eat his chocolate egg, and she assures him that waiting is part of the fun. In the second part of the episode, Owlette is very confident in her plan to defeat Luna and insists that the group follow it, but she realizes that she hadn’t planned for Luna’s unexpected back-up crystal.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy assures Owlette that it’s okay that her plan didn’t work because it’s not always possible to plan for everything.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Easter Wolfies

  • It’s the day before Easter, and Greg, Amaya, and Connor are excited about their school’s Easter egg hunt the following day. Greg is excited to eat his chocolate egg and doesn’t want to wait until the following day, but Amaya assures him that eating the egg now would take away the fun of waiting.
  • After school, Gekko peeks his head over the fence to watch his teacher hiding the class’s chocolate eggs around the playground. Catboy and Owlette scold him for cheating. Then, the group notices Wolfy footprints on the ground, and they turn into the PJ Masks that night to see what the Wolfies are up to.
  • From their screen at HQ, the PJ Masks see the Wolfies looking for the chocolate eggs outside of their school. Gekko is very concerned about his egg, and the group rushes out in the Gekko-mobile.
  • The PJ Masks arrive as the Wolfies are fighting over an egg that they found. Their fighting keeps them distracted while the PJ Masks tiptoe into the school yard and find all of the remaining eggs. Catboy then uses his per speed to run up to the Wolfies and replace the egg they found with an onion.
  • Gekko feels tempted by the basket of chocolate eggs they’ve collected, and he unwraps one to take a bite. The scent of the chocolate reaches the Wolfies, and they become determined to get the chocolate. Gekko apologizes to Catboy and Owlette for being unable to wait.
  • Gekko takes the basket of eggs into the school to guard them while Owlette and Catboy distract the Wolfies. He feels very tempted to eat some of the chocolate, but he promised Owlette and Catboy that he would wait so he tries not to give in.
  • When Catboy and Owlette return to the school after distracting the Wolfies, they find Gekko eating his chocolate egg. Gekko apologizes for breaking his promise, and he tells them he doesn’t know what came over him. His stomach starts to hurt, and Owlette reminds him that too much chocolate is bad for you.
  • The Wolfies peak into the classroom window and see the basket of eggs. They start attacking the building in an attempt to get in, and their supersonic howls start causing the school building to crack. Owlette and Catboy try to fend them off, but they’re unsuccessful.
  • Gekko feels bad that all of the eggs are at risk just because he couldn’t wait. He decides to be a hero, and he uses camouflage to sneak out of the building holding his egg. He uses his egg to lure the Wolfies into a catapult, then sends them flying off in the sky.
  • Owlette and Catboy thank Gekko for sacrificing his own chocolate egg to save everyone else’s.

Part 2: Luna and the Wolfies

  • There’s a new Treasures of the Moon exhibit at the museum, and Connor, Amaya, and Greg suspect that Luna Girl might try to interfere. Amaya says that Luna Girl is predictable, but Connor warns her that villains can always take you by surprise. Amaya already has a plan to defeat Luna Girl, and they turn into the PJ Masks that night to carry it out.
  • The PJ Masks find Luna Girl at the museum where she’s trying to decide what she should steal. Owlette instructs Catboy and Gekko to trust her plan, and they try to execute it together. They didn’t realize, though, that Luna Girl has a back-up crystal for power, and even after they take her Lunar Magnet she can use her power against them.
  • After Luna Girl flies off, Catboy and Gekko reflect that it didn’t go as expected. Owlette refuses to acknowledge that she didn’t expect that, though, and she suggests that they go back to their HQ to celebrate saving the museum.
  • Outside, Luna vows to do something the PJ Masks really aren’t expecting. She bumps into the Wolfies, and they start worshipping her as Queen of the Moon. She hatches a plan, and she tells the Wolfies that she’ll take them to the moon if they prove themselves worthy by using her lunar magnet to get her something from the park. As they run off, she stays by the museum with her backup moon magnet for power.
  • The PJ Masks detect lunar magnet activity at the park, and Owlette informs the others that she has another plan. They head out in the Owl Glider and try to stop the Wolfies, but the Wolfies keep acting in unexpected ways.
  • Unsure of how to deal with the Wolfies, Owlette suggests they try to think like a Wolfy. They know the Wolfies want to go to the moon, so they trick the group into thinking they’re taking the Owl Glider to the moon. The Wolfies latch onto the Owl Glider, and Owlette can then drive them anywhere she wants.
  • In the Owl Glider, the PJ Masks become suspicious about why Luna Girl gave the lunar magnet to the Wolfies in the first place. They listen in on her at the museum, and they hear her explaining her plan to distract the PJ Masks using the Wolfies while she herself used the backup moon crystal to steal from the museum.
  • Owlette admits that she hadn’t planned for Luna Girl to have a backup moon crystal. Catboy assures her that you can’t plan for everything, and Gekko tells her that she doesn’t need to plan for everything alone because they’re a team. This time, Owlette listens to Gekko and Catboy’s ideas to form their new plan.
  • The PJ Masks show up to the museum and use their new plan to finally stop Luna Girl. Even the Wolfy Kids step in to help the PJ Masks when they realize Luna Girl had taken advantage of them. Owlette thanks Gekko and Catboy for their ideas, and Luna Girl flies off in defeat.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes with your child including patience, working with others, and persevering when things don’t go your way. Consider some of the following questions to get you started.

  • Why was Gekko supposed to wait to eat his chocolate egg in the first part of the episode? How do you think he felt about waiting? Can you think of a time when you needed to be patient? How did you feel?
  • Why do you think Owlette’s original plan to stop Luna Girl didn’t work? How do you think she felt about it? Did she give up? Can you think of a time when you tried something and it didn’t work the first time?
  • How did the PJ Masks finally stop Luna Girl in the second part of the episode? Do you think listening to Gekko and Catboy’s ideas helped them be successful?

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