
Emperor Penguins / Tiger Shark

Season 4 Episode 13

Themes:  Empathy, Helping

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


The inventor of the group, Tweak originally made the GUP-S. She appears shocked and a bit upset when she hears that it fell down an ice chasm in the first part of the episode, but she still seems determined to retrieve it.


Peso is the medic of the Octonauts, and he wants to help the tiger shark in the second part of the episode because he knows the shark might be in danger, even though the shark was hungry and trying to eat them at times.

Captain Barnacles

Barnacles is the leader of the Octonauts, and he helps delegate roles to the others so they can work together to overcome challenges. In the first part of the episode, Captain Barnacles is honest with Tweak and tells her that something bad happened to the GUP-S even when the group looks afraid to tell her.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Emperor Penguins

  • The Octonauts are in Antarctica, and some of them are with Professor Natquick watching a group of emperor penguin dads guard their chick eggs before they hatch. Professor Natquick hears the eggs starting to hatch, and they call Captain Barnacles to let him know.
  • Captain Barnacles is on the GUP-S watching the mother emperor penguins chase food before they make their journey back to the dads and chicks. Dashi and Quazi are swimming around with the mother penguins, and they meet one penguin who tells them that she feels clumsy because she’s doing all of this for the first time. Quazi assures her that she’s doing a great job.
  • The mothers start heading back toward the dads and chicks, and the group on the GUP-S drives to the ice to watch them hop up out of the water. Peso checks off each mother penguin as she hops up onto land, but they notice that the penguin they met in the water didn’t arrive. Worried that something happened to her, they go back to find her.
  • They find the mother penguin floating in the water, and they take her aboard the GUP-S. Peso sees that her foot and flipper are injured, so he bandages her up and they offer to take her back to her family.
  • The winds pick up as the group makes the journey back on the GUP-S, and the ice beneath them starts to shake. Worried that an ice chasm may be opening up, Captain Barnacles orders the group to get out of the GUP-S. Though Barnacles narrowly escapes before it falls, the group safely escapes onto the ice before the GUP-S falls into the chasm.
  • The group must make the rest of the journey to the rest of the penguins on foot, but they set off pulling the mother penguin on a stretcher behind them. Meanwhile, the penguin chicks have hatched, and the injured mother’s family becomes concerned when she doesn’t arrive with the others. Her chick looks upset that its mother isn’t there, and the other Octonauts with the penguins begin to worry where Captain Barnacles and the rest of the group could be.
  • The group towing the injured mother finally arrive to the other penguins and reunite her with her family. They seem afraid to tell Twig, the creator of the GUP-S, about its fall into the chasm, but Barnacles finally tells her. She falls to the ground in apparent shock, but tells them that they’ll find a way to recover it.

Part 2: The Tiger Shark

  • Dashi and Twig strap a camera on the back of a turtle, Sandy, to get a view of what she sees while she’s swimming around the ocean. While they’re watching the feed with Shellington, though, they’re alarmed to see that a tiger shark is chasing Sandy.
  • Twig hops in the GUP-B, a small submarine resembling a shark, and rushes off to find Sandy. She passes Captain Barnacles, Peso, and Quazi, who are also out in one of the GUP submarines, and Captain Barnacles sounds the Octoalert after Dashi calls them to update them on the situation. Shellington warns the group that tiger sharks eat almost anything.
  • Twig reaches the reef where Sandy was last spotted, but she only finds a small piece of the camera that was on her back. The shark approaches Twig, and Twig races away from him in her GUP. The shark continues to chase her, and Captain Barnacles chases behind them.
  • Sandy emerges, and Twig sees that she’s hurt. Captain Barnacles uses his boat to block the shark while Peso bandages Sandy’s injured limb.
  • As the shark continues to chase Twig, it starts to look unhappy, and it comments that its stomach hurts. Peso approaches carefully and uses his x-ray tablet to look in the shark’s stomach, and he sees the camera as well as other trash. The shark grabs the x-ray machine and eats that too.
  • Twig’s GUP starts driving erratically, and she crashes in a cave. The shark followed her there, but he tells her that his stomach hurts too badly to eat her. Twig tells the shark, who tells her his name is Tom, that her friend Peso can help him feel better. The shark agrees to use his good vision to help them find their way out of the cave, and he pushes Twig out into the open where they find the others.
  • Quazi and Captain Barnacles hold the shark’s mouth open as Peso reaches in with a tool to remove each piece of garbage from the shark’s stomach. He’s still hungry, so Twig launches him some carrots before he swims off into the sea.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to talk to your child about empathy and helping others. Consider using some of the following questions to get your conversation started.

  • How do you think the penguin chick felt when his mom didn’t show up with the other moms? Have you ever felt that way? How do you think he felt when his mom finally arrived?
  • Do you think the Octonauts were scared to tell Twig what happened after the GUP-S fell down to the bottom of the ice chasm? Why or why not? Do you think it was good for Captain Barnacles to tell her anyway?
  • Why did Peso need to help the shark in the second part of the episode? Do you think Peso wanted to help him even though the shark was scary? Why or why not?

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