
Flamingos / Operation Cooperation

Season 4 Episode 8

Themes:  Empathy, Working Together

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Captain Barnacles

In the first part of the episode, the leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles, rescues a flamingo chick from alligator territory of a swamp alongside Kwazii and Peso.


Kwazii takes Shellington out for a driving lesson in the GUPs in the second part of the episode, and he doesn’t want to tell the other Octonauts that they need help when they crash the GUPs.


Shellington suggests that they get help from the others when they crash the GUPs in the second part of the episode, but he ultimately cooperates with Kwazii and the group of eels and groupers to fix their boats.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Flamingos

  • Captain Barnacles, Peso, and Shellington are in the swamp. Quazi finds a strange creature in the grass, and he thinks it’s a swamp monster.
  • The trio hears singing, and when Peso follows the sound he finds a group of flamingos singing and dancing. They call Shellington who is back at their home the Octopod, and he tells them how flamingos dance to show that they like one another.
  • The “swamp monster” emerges again, and they realize that it’s actually a baby flamingo chick. The chick collides with the other flamingos causing them to collapse, so the Octonauts approach them and offer to help. They meet the chick, Phil, and his mom, who encourages Phil to practice with his crash (group) of flamingo chicks until dinner.
  • When the parent flamingos call the chicks to come for dinner, Phil doesn’t show up. Quazi notices footprints, and they realize that Phil must have wandered off. Concerned that Phil headed for alligator territory, the Octonauts follow his tracks to rescue him.
  • The Octonauts stand on sticks to help them get through the thick mud, and they carefully walk around sleeping alligators to find Phil. They finally find Phil practicing his dancing.
  • The alligators wake up and chase the Octonauts and Phil as they rush back to the Octonauts’ vehicle the GUP-K. Phil shows the others how to zig zag to stay out of the alligator’s reach, and they make it back to safety.
  • The Octonauts bring Phil back to his mom and the rest of the flamingos, and the group dance together, happy to be reunited.

Part 2: Operation Cooperation

  • Quazi and Shellington sneak out in the night for Quazi to give Shellington a driving lesson on the GUPs, the submarines that the Octonauts use to explore the ocean. They’re careful not to wake up Twig, the inventor and mechanic of the GUP boats, so that they don’t worry her about taking the boats out for a lesson.
  • Quazi and Shellington each drive their own GUP, and Shellington struggles to keep his driving under control. Attempting to replicate Quazi’s driving, Shellington crashes his GUP onto the ocean floor after Quazi accidentally crashed his. Parts from each GUP fly off of the boats and scatter around the reef that surrounds them.
  • Quazi tells Shellington that they shouldn’t sound the octoalert to get the help of the others, and instead they should try to find the missing parts of the boats to do the repairs themselves. When Quazi tries to pull out the steering wheel that’s lodged in the reef, he finds that it’s lodged in the jaw of an eel.
  • They meet the eel, Murray, who tells them they’ll have to cooperate with the right fish if they want to retrieve their missing parts. He introduces them to his friends, a group of eels and groupers. They explain how the eels and groupers usually cooperate to find food in the reef, with the groupers alerting the eels to spots where food is located, and the eels slithering into nooks and crannies to retrieve it.
  • Quazi and Peso give the eels and groupers fish biscuits and convince them to help them find their missing parts instead of looking for more food. Together, the group finds almost all of the missing pieces.
  • The only remaining piece, the carrot shooter, is lodged in a rock covered in stinging anemones. Quazi and Shellington have to think like their inventor-friend Twig to create a tool that will help them get it out without getting hurt. Quazi uses the hook they created to get it out, and Shellington catches it as it flies through the air just before it lands in the mouth of an oyster. The fish commend Shellington and Quazi for their cooperation.
  • When Shellington and Quazi arrive back at the Octopod, Twig looks a bit mad that they took out the GUPs without telling her. As the boats start to fall apart in the launch bay, Twig assures the group that she’ll help fix them.

Discussion Questions

We encourage you to ask your child what this episode was about after they watch it, and consider exploring themes including empathy and cooperation. The questions below can serve as conversation starters to get you started.

  • Did you think any parts of this episode were scary?
  • What happened when the baby flamingo Phil wandered off from the group? How did the Octonauts rescue him? How do you think Phil’s mom felt when he wandered off?
  • Do you know what cooperation means? How did the groupers and eels cooperate in this episode? Can you think of a time when Shellington and Quazi cooperated? Can you think of a time when you cooperated with others?
  • How do you think Twig felt when she saw that Quazi and Shellington took out the GUPs without telling her?

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