
Kelp Forest Mystery / Hippos

Season 4 Episode 9

Themes:  Helping, Problem Solving

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


Dashi investigates the kelp forest with her sister in the first part of the episode, and she calms her sister’s worries about a monster in the kelp forest when she appears scared.


Dashi’s younger sister, Koshi visits the Octonauts in the first part of this episode. She’s a big fan of a mystery book series, and has learned how to pay close attention and follow clues. These skills get put to the test when she and Dashi track down baby snails in the kelp forest.


In the second part of the episode, Kwazii's fearlessness leads him to leave the others to distract a group of hippos, but he’s surprised to learn they move much faster than he thought. After a close pursuit, Kwazii manages to escape the hippos to rejoin with the group.

Captain Barnacles

Captain Barnacles is the leader of the Octonauts, and he helps plan and delegate roles so the group can work together to overcome challenges.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Kelp Forest Mystery

  • Dashi’s little sister Kashi is visiting the Octopod. She’s very perceptive and loves reading mystery books, and she and Dashi are having a sleepover read-a-thon of their favorite mystery series. They fall asleep reading and are awoken by the octo-alert.
  • The Octonauts meet in the launch bay and Captain Barnacles explains that a mother sea snail needs their help because her babies have gone missing. The group heads to the kelp forest, and Barnacles agrees to let Kashi help out because she’s good at figuring out clues.
  • When they get to the kelp forest, Captain Barnacles delegates roles to the Octonauts to help with the investigation. Peso talks to creatures about what they’ve seen around the kelp forest, but the animals disagree on the characteristics of a creature that’s recently passed through. Dashi and Shellington find a big clump of the kelp forest missing, and they realize they’re looking for something the size of a school bus.
  • Dashi and Kashi look around for clues in the shadowy forest, and Kashi appears a bit scared. They find another big gap in the kelp forest suggesting a large creature has gone through it, then they notice a trail of barnacles on the sea floor. They follow the trail of barnacles, but it suddenly stops, and Kashi looks disappointed that the barnacles didn’t seem to lead to anything.
  • Suddenly, Kashi and Dashi hear a series of loud noises similar to the noises reported by the animals that Peso spoke to. They push the kelp in front of them to the side to reveal a huge grey whale sitting on the ocean floor covered in kelp.
  • The whale explains that he’s hiding from a group of orca whales overhead that want to eat him, but he agrees to let Kashi and Dashi search him for the baby snails. They find the snails and realize that the whale must have accidentally picked them up as he moved through the kelp forest.
  • They return the baby snails to their mom, and explain to the rest of the Octonauts how they followed clues to find them. They also use their whale tracker to let the grey whale know when the orcas are gone so he can leave the forest safely.

Part 2: Hippos

  • Shellington is on the GUP-E doing an overnight river cruise in Africa to observe the animals. The rest of the Octonauts back at the Octopod are awoken suddenly in the morning by the octo-alert, and when they try to call Shellington they only hear a faint rumbling noise.
  • Captain Barnacles, Quazi, and Peso head out on the GUP-A to find Shellington. When they find him, he’s asleep and snoring on the octo-alert button, and the group chuckles about the situation before they turn around to drive home.
  • On their ride out of the river, they see animals swimming past them who warn them about scary guys up ahead. They hear rumbling in the distance, and a group of hippos emerges from the forest into the river. Shellington warns the others that though hippos might look cute, they can be very dangerous and protective of their territory.
  • The group tries to drive their boats out of the hippo’s territory as the hippos sleep, but Shellington accidentally bumps into a hippo and wakes them up. They quickly drive away as the hippos chase them, but they escape the hippos’ territory.
  • Shellington’s GUP is damaged, and Barnacles worries that the boats won’t still work by nightfall when the hippos leave the river. They need to get past the hippos to get out, so Quazi gets out and distracts the hippos. They start chasing him through the forest, and they run faster than Quazi thought they could.
  • After a couple of close calls with the hippos, the GUPS escape the hippo territory and Quazi meets up with them. As they drive away to safety, they notice that the hippos who chased Quazi on land look dry and uncomfortable, and they decide they should help them. They return and use the GUP’s propellor to throw mud on the hippos to relieve their dry skin, and the hippos thank them for their help.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to talk to your child about helping others and solving problems. Consider exploring some of the questions below with your child.

  • Why did the mother snail need the Octonauts help? Do you remember how Dashi and Kashi followed clues to find the snails? Where did they find them?
  • Why do you think the hippos chased the Octonauts when they found them? How do you think they felt about the Octonauts being in their territory? What happened when Quazi tried to distract them?
  • Why did the hippos need help at the end? Why do you think the Octonauts went back to help them? Can you think of a time when you helped someone, or when someone else helped you?

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