PJ Masks

Lionel-Saurus / Catboy's Cuddly

Season 2 Episode 2

Themes:  Overcoming Disagreements, Feeling Embarrassed

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of the episode, Gekko defends his pet lizard, Lionel, after the villain Simon grows it into a giant monster. He insists that Lionel is just trying to play, but he disagrees with the other two PJ Masks who see Lionel as a threat.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy feels embarrassed of his cuddly (stuffed animal), and tries to keep it secret from the others. When he learns that Owlette and Greg both also have cuddlies, he realizes he didn’t need to worry about looking silly.

Owlette (Amaya)

The third member of the PJ Masks, Owlette works with Gekko and Catboy in this episode to save the town from the villain, Simon.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Lionel-Saurus

  • Greg, Amaya, and Connor are at the park playing with Greg’s pet lizard, Lionel. Greg throws a treat and tells Lionel to fetch it, but when the lizard runs off behind a tree they see a flash of light and the lizard disappears. All that’s left is a giant footprint in the ground, and they become determined to find whatever took Lionel away.
  • At nightfall, the trio turns into the PJ Masks, and head out in Owlette’s owl glider to get a bird’s eye view of the city. They see some cars and trash cans toppled over in the street, and when they land to get a closer look a giant creature stomps up to them. Catboy and Owlette hop into Gecko’s arms in fear, but Gecko realizes that the giant creature is his lizard Lionel.
  • Romeo, a child mad-scientist villain, emerges and tells them that he’s created pet treats that grow pets to make them huge, and he’s used them to create Lionel-Saurus. He plans to feed them to every pet in the city to create a giant pet army and take over the world.
  • Catboy and Owlette want to stop Lionel and get him out of the city because he’s stomping around and destroying things in his path, but Gecko insists that Lionel doesn’t mean any harm and just wants to play. The group continues to disagree, and Gecko protests when Owlette suggests they use a leash.
  • Catboy gets a rope that they can use as a leash, and when he returns with it Lionel-Saurus grabs an end of the rope and starts pulling it. Gecko insists that he’s just trying to play tug of war with them, but then Lionel uses the rope to fling the PJ Masks through the air and they fall to the ground.
  • Gecko apologizes to Lionel as he puts the leash around his neck, but Lionel again pulls at it and flings him through the air and he falls into the river.
  • Romeo rides on Lionel’s back as they head toward the PJ Mask’s HQ, and the PJ Masks know they have to stop him before Lionel tears it down. Lionel gently nudges Owlette and Catboy out of his way as he walks toward the HQ, and they realize he might actually be nice like Gecko had insisted.
  • Lionel climbs to the top of the HQ tower with Romeo on his back, but Gecko meets him at the top and throws a stick for him to fetch. Despite Romeo’s pleading, Lionel jumps off of the tower and barrels toward the stick, leading Romeo to accidentally toss all of his growth and shrinking treats in the air.
  • As Romeo leaves in defeat, the PJ Masks feed shrinking treats to Lionel to shrink him back to normal lizard size

Part 2: Catboy’s Cuddly

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg see some younger kids at their school having a bring your cuddly (stuffed animal) to school day, but another boy in their class makes fun of Connor when he makes a positive comment about cuddlies.
  • One of the younger kids throws her stuffed animal on the ground because she realizes that it’s not her cuddly. It’s actually a talking Romeo doll, and the trio realizes that the villain Romeo must be up to something. That night, they transform into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it.
  • The PJ Masks fly out in Owlette’s owl glider and spot Romeo’s robot walking down the street and reaching into children’s rooms to replace their cuddlies with Romeo dolls. Catboy becomes worried and tries to distract the other two so he can slip away and check on his own cuddly at home.
  • Catboy arrives in his room just before the robot reaches in to grab his cuddly, and he wins a battle with the robot for it. He runs back to Owlette and Gecko and tries to hide his cuddly from them, appearing embarrassed of it.
  • The trio spots Romeo using a cuddly transforming machine to turn all of the town’s stuffed animals into Romeo dolls. Catboy gives his cuddly, Mr. Meow, a tight hug before hiding it in a bush, but then Romeo’s robot detects it and grabs it to go in the transforming machine. Catboy runs to Romeo in an effort to stop him from changing Mr. Meow, but he’s too late.
  • Romeo explains his plan to the PJ Masks: he’s going to give every child a Romeo doll so they all grow up loving him and he can take over the world. Romeo’s robot tosses the PJ Masks to the side and walks off with Romeo.
  • Owlette and Gecko are eager to pursue Romeo, but Catboy appears defeated, and states that it’s not worth it, because what kind of hero has a cuddly. Gecko and Owlette reveal that they actually have cuddlies too, and theirs were also taken by Romeo. The group realizes that no one wanted to reveal their cuddlies for fear of looking like a baby, and Catboy understands that he shouldn’t have been ashamed. He’s ready to be a hero, and they head out in pursuit of Romeo and his robot.
  • Owlette, Gecko, and Catboy work together to stop Romeo and the robot, and they use the transforming machine in reverse to restore all of the town’s cuddlies. When they return to school, they learn that even the boy who had been mean about cuddlies has one too, and the episode closes with all of them bringing their cuddlies to school.

Discussion Questions

After your child watches this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes like overcoming disagreement and feeling embarrassed. Consider some of the following questions to get you started:

  • Why did Gecko disagree with Owlette and Catboy about Lionel-saurus? Have you ever gotten in a disagreement? What happened? What do you think you can do to fix a disagreement?
  • Why didn’t Catboy want the others to know about his cuddly Mr. Meow? How do you think he felt when he found out that Gecko and Owlette had cuddlies too?
  • Do you remember when the boy was making fun of cuddlies? Do you think it was nice of him to do that? Why do you think he might’ve been doing it?

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