The Magic School Bus Rides Again

Frizzle of the Future

Season 1 Episode 1

Themes:  Honesty, Adjusting to Change

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Professor Frizzle

The original Ms. Frizzle has earned her PhD, and leaves her younger sister Fiona to take over the science class while she jets off to explore the universe.

Ms. Frizzle

The original Ms. Frizzle’s younger sister, Fiona Frizzle takes over the science class with a similarly spunky and magical flare.

Galapagos Gil

The guide the class meets when they visit the Galapagos Islands who shows them around and explains how invasive species can throw off the ecosystem’s balance.


One of the students in the class, Arnold is resistant to change and thinks at first that all changes are bad. During the episode, he learns that some changes - like the new teacher - can be good.

Plot Highlights

  • Arnold and the rest of the students arrive to school after the summer to find that their teacher Ms. Frizzle is being replaced by her younger sister, Ms. Fiona Frizzle, because she received her PhD and is becoming a professor. Arnold doesn’t like change, and he becomes uneasy with all of the changes that are happening. He’s upset when the new Ms. Frizzle puts her plant in the same spot the old Ms. Frizzle used to put her mug, and he takes the plant and puts it in his bag.
  • The group takes a field trip to the Galapagos Islands and Galapagos Gil tells them about ecosystems and how living things within the ecosystem rely on each other for energy. He also explains invasive species, telling them how new species that come in could take over the ecosystem because the existing plants and animals don’t have defenses against it.
  • Before they leave the Galapagos, Arnold leaves behind the plant he took from Ms. Frizzle’s desk, and it starts growing rapidly in the ground after he walks away.
  • Arnold is concerned that the new Ms. Frizzle will be an invasive species in the class’s ecosystem, so the group travels to the future to see what will happen. 30 years into the future, the class’s ecosystem is fine, but they learn that there’s been a crisis in the Galapagos due to the plant that Arnold left acting as an invasive species there.
  • The new Ms. Frizzle is concerned that she accidentally brought the invasive plant to the island, and eventually Arnold confesses that it was actually him who brought it. The group goes back in time to the day he brought the plant to the island, and they wrestle the plant back in the pot before it has the chance to take over the island.
  • At the end of the episode, Arnold concludes that some change can be good, like the new teacher.

Discussion Questions

This episode explores themes including adjusting to change and telling the truth. Consider discussing some of the questions below with your child.

  • How did Arnold feel at the beginning of the episode about the changes happening at his school, like his new teacher? By the end of the episode, how did he feel about these changes, and why do you think that was? Do you remember a time that something in your life changed? What happened, and how did you feel? Do you think changes can be a good thing?
  • Do you remember when Arnold admitted to Ms. Frizzle that he had brought the plant to the Galapagos that took over the island? How do you think he felt when he had to admit that it had been him who had created this problem? Do you think it’s important to admit when you’ve done something wrong?

This episode covers the scientific concept of ecosystems and invasive species. We encourage you to ask your child what they learned about ecosystems, and to continue their learning if they’re interested in the topic. You could:

  • Go on a walk around your neighborhood, at a nearby park, or on a local nature trail, and make a list of the living things you see including plants and animals. Ask your child how they think the plants and animals might be connected (i.e. what might eat what).
  • Check out Scholastic’s online videos on ecosystems and changes in ecosystems.
  • Kids looking for even more detail about ecosystems may enjoy Hank Green’s Crash Course Youtube videos on ecosystem ecology and ecosystem succession.

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