PJ Masks

Meet Armadylan / Invisible Owlette

Season 2 Episode 16

Themes:  Helping, Working Together, Misunderstandings

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette wants to help Armadylan learn to use his powers for good. In the second part of the episode, Owlette feels left behind when Catboy and Gekko don’t include her in their plan after she turns invisible. She then forms a plan that doesn’t include them, but after it fails she realizes they need to work together as a team to defeat Romeo.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy makes a plan that only includes himself and Gekko, but he apologizes to Owlette for leaving her out when she tells him that she wasn’t included.

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, Gekko realizes that they can only defeat Romeo if they work together, and he encourages the group to work as a team.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Meet Armadylan

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg arrive at their playground to find that it’s been destroyed, and they see a drawing of an anteater-like animal in the sandbox. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to investigate.
  • From their HQ, the PJ Masks see something mysterious and boulder-like rolling through town and causing destruction when it bumps into things. They head out to investigate, and the “boulder” rolls up to them at the playground. The mysterious object unrolls itself, and they realize it’s a kid like them. He introduces himself as Armadylan, the city’s newest hero.
  • Armadylan tells them that he’s still working on controlling his powers, and he apologizes for the destruction that he’s accidentally caused. Catboy explains that they’re the heroes in town, but Owlette adds that there’s always room for another good guy.
  • Armadylan rolls away from the PJ Masks to show off his powers, but he continues to bump into things and the PJ Masks chase him.
  • The PJ Masks find Night Ninja and a couple of his Ninjalinos tied up in a lamppost, and Armadylan explains that he put them there because they littered. Night Ninja explains that they tipped over a trash can, but it was an accident because Armadylan rolled into them. The PJ Masks defend Night Ninja because he did nothing wrong, but Armadylan insists that justice has been served.
  • The PJ Masks realize that Armadylan doesn’t know how to be a hero, and Owlette suggests they could help teach them. They try explaining to Armadylan that it takes time to learn how to control your powers and make good decisions to be a hero, but Armadylan becomes increasingly offended and angry that they don’t think he’s a good hero.
  • Armadylan rolls angrily away through the street, and the PJ Masks form a plan to use their powers together to stop him. Though he surprises them with his strength and different abilities, they ultimately do use their powers to stop him.
  • Armadylan is impressed at the way the PJ Masks used their powers, and they explain to him that they learned how to do that through practice. Armadylan agrees that maybe he does have a thing or two to learn after all, and Gekko assures him that they’re happy to help him. Armadylan finally repairs the damage he’s done to the town, and the PJ Masks hope they’ve gotten through to him.

Part 2: Invisible Owlette

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg are playing basketball, but the two boys won’t pass the ball to Amaya and she feels invisible. She finally takes the ball, but she suddenly runs into something invisible. The group is suspicious of the invisible object, and they turn into the PJ Masks that night to get to the bottom of it.
  • The group investigates the invisible object in their HQ, and they realize it looks like a statue of the villain Romeo. Romeo suddenly rings their doorbell, and they go outside to talk to him. He tells them he’s invented an invisible ray and plans to make himself invisible so he can take over the world.
  • Owlette accidentally gets zapped by Romeo’s invisible ray and turns invisible, and the ray runs out of battery before Romeo can make her visible again.
  • Catboy forms a plan with Gekko to get the ray back so they can charge it at their HQ and make Owlette visible again, and Owlette is disappointed when she gets left behind from the plan.
  • After their plan fails, Owlette explains to them that they left her out of the plan, and insists that she’s still part of the team even though she’s invisible. Catboy and Gekko apologize, assuring her that they didn’t mean to exclude her and they just aren’t used to her being invisible.
  • Owlette gets the idea to use her invisibility to get the ray back, and she nearly succeeds after she sneaks into Romeo’s lab. Romeo catches her and gets the ray back though, and Catboy and Gekko ask her why she didn’t include them in her plan. Owlette explains that she thought she didn’t need their help, and she was still hurt that they hadn’t included her before.
  • Gekko insists that invisible or not, the PJ Masks are a team. They realize they’ll only defeat Romeo if they work together.
  • This time, the PJ Masks successfully work together to get the invisible ray from Romeo. Owlette uses it to turn herself visible again, then makes the ray itself invisible. Gekko launches the invisible ray into the water, and Romeo and his robot walk away in defeat.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss topics with your child including helping others, handling misunderstanding, and working as a team. Consider exploring some of the following questions together to get started.

  • Do you think Armadylan meant to cause destruction around town? Why did the PJ Masks want to help him?
  • How did Armadylan react to the PJ Masks offering to help him? Why do you think he reacted this way? How do you think he felt when they said he didn’t know what he was doing, and do you think they meant to make him feel that way?
  • How did Owlette feel when Catboy and Gekko left her out of their plan in the second part of the episode? Do you think they meant to make her feel that way? How did they finally defeat Romeo? Can you think of a time when you worked together with others to accomplish something?

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