PJ Masks

Moonfizzle Balls / Soccer Ninjalinos

Season 2 Episode 1

Themes:  Working Together, Making Mistakes

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy gets excited playing around with the moonfizzle balls, and he accidentally hits Owlette and Gecko with them when he doesn’t listen to their warnings. In the end, he has to find a way to correct his mistake and apologize to them for getting caught up playing.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette’s feet get stuck in a ball of sticky splat, seemingly ruining her star soccer playing abilities. She doesn’t give up, though, and she realizes she can use her ability to fly to help direct her team to victory.

Gekko (Greg)

In this episode, Gekko uses his super gecko muscles to help the group overcome challenges and save the day.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Moonfizzle Balls

  • A group of children is playing in the school playground when they notice a bucket of glowing purple balls, but when a few of them pick up the balls they enter what appears to be a trance and start chanting “moo.” Connor, Amaya, and Greg realize something needs to be done, and when night falls they transform into the PJ Masks.
  • When Catboy, Owlette, and Gecko venture out that night, they realize the purple balls are everywhere and many people are walking around outside in trances. The moon is shining, and they realize everyone is chanting “moon.”
  • Luna girl flies up on her hoverboard and tells the PJ Masks that she’s created these moonfizzle balls to make everyone worship her and the moon so she can take over the world. They know they need to stop her, so they start using garbage cans to collect the balls.
  • Catboy spots a tennis racket and decides to use it to hit the moonfizzle balls, even though he knows they’re dangerous. He uses the racket to hit the balls into the garbage cans the other two are holding, but he gets excited and starts moving too fast. Owlette and Gecko call out to warn him, but he doesn’t pay attention, and he winds up striking both Owlette and Gecko with the balls sending them into a trance.
  • Catboy quickly realizes his mistake and has to form a plan to correct it. He pretends to be in a trance himself to fit in with the crowd, then when he gets close to Owlette and Gecko he tries urgently to wake them up from their trance. He finally is able to snap them out of it by singing their PJ Masks song.
  • The three heroes resume cleaning up the moonfizzle balls, and Catboy gets an idea for what they should do with the last ball. He realizes that Luna Girl never touches the moonfizzle balls herself, so he tosses it at her and sends her into a trance.
  • They drain the balls of their moon energy, and send Luna Girl back off on her hoverboard. The townspeople start waking up, and the PJ Masks have saved the day once again.

Part 2: Soccer Ninjalinos

  • The kids are playing a game of soccer, and they compliment Amaya for being a soccer star, though she insists it’s a team effort. They notice the toy store has been filled with sticky splat, and they suggest that Night Ninja was responsible. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks superheroes to stop him.
  • When they go out that night, they find Night Ninja standing on top of a building as his group of Ninjalinos plays soccer with sticky splat balls on the street. Whenever they kick a ball at a store, car, or other object, it fills the object with splat. Night Ninja threatens to splat the whole city.
  • A soccer star herself, Owlette tries to use her skills to stop the Ninjalinos, but she’s outnumbered and her feet get stuck in one of the sticky balls. Gecko and Catboy try to help, but the Ninjalinos continuously get around them and splat more buildings in the city. Gecko expresses concern that they can’t win with their star player out.
  • Gecko climbs onto the building to check on Night Ninja, and he realizes their side has an advantage because Night Ninja can see everything from up high. He returns to the others to strategize, and Owlette appears ready to give up, stating that she’s met her match. When Gecko points out Night Ninja’s view, though, Owlette realizes that she could use her ability to fly to get a similar view and direct the others.
  • As the Ninjalinos try to splat the PJ Masks’ HQ, Owlette takes to the sky, and instructs Catboy and Gecko about how they can use their own strengths to counter the Ninjalinos’ moves. As they start blocking more of the balls, Night Ninja becomes frustrated and starts being mean to his Ninjalinos, sometimes calling them names.
  • The PJ Masks defeat Night Ninja when Gecko kicks one of his splat balls back at him, and his Ninjalinos carry him off in defeat. The PJ Masks compliment one another on the ways they leveraged their individual skills as they worked together to defeat their enemies.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can talk to your child about themes including making mistakes and working together. Consider some of the following questions to get you started;

  • What happened when Catboy started playing with the moonfizzle balls during cleanup? Do you think Catboy could have done anything differently to avoid hitting Owlette and Gecko with the balls?
  • Making mistakes can be okay if we apologize and make it better. Do you think Catboy did a good job of handling his mistake after he hit Owlette and Gecko? Can you think of  a time when you made a mistake, and do you remember if you apologized?
  • How did the PJ Masks work as a team to beat the Ninjalinos? What role did they each play? Can you think of a time when you worked with others or were part of a team?
  • Did you notice Night Ninja calling the other Ninjalinos names in the second part of the episode? What did you think of him doing that? How do you think it made the Ninjalinos feel?

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