Season 2 Episode 9
Gekko (Greg)
Gekko is scared when the PJ Masks go to space in this episode, and he tells Owlette that he’s never been away from home before. He displays great bravery, though, when he makes ventures out to Luna Girl’s fortress by himself to rescue Catboy and Owlette.
Owlette (Amaya)
Owlette empathizes with Gekko when he’s scared about being away from home, and she tells him that she felt the same way at her first sleepover. At the end, she compliments Gekko for his bravery after he overcame his fear.
Catboy (Connor)
Toward the end of the episode, Catboy has the idea to use his super cat speed in a new creative way: using it to generate vibrations to break Luna’s crystals.
This episode includes themes including feeling scared, being away from home, and being brave. We encourage you to discuss these themes with your child, and you can use some of these questions as a starting point for conversation.