PJ Masks

Moonstruck: Race to the Moon / Moonstruck: Lunar Fortress

Season 2 Episode 9

Themes:  Feeling Scared, Bravery, Being Away from Home

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

Gekko is scared when the PJ Masks go to space in this episode, and he tells Owlette that he’s never been away from home before. He displays great bravery, though, when he makes ventures out to Luna Girl’s fortress by himself to rescue Catboy and Owlette.

Owlette (Amaya)

Owlette empathizes with Gekko when he’s scared about being away from home, and she tells him that she felt the same way at her first sleepover. At the end, she compliments Gekko for his bravery after he overcame his fear.

Catboy (Connor)

Toward the end of the episode, Catboy has the idea to use his super cat speed in a new creative way: using it to generate vibrations to break Luna’s crystals.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Race to the Moon

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg are learning about the moon, and the teacher tells them there will be a harvest moon that night. Amaya is excited, but Connor warns that the villain Luna Girl will also probably be excited about it. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to make sure she doesn’t cause any trouble.
  • The PJ Masks venture out and see the giant orange harvest moon. Luna Girl emerges and tells them that the harvest moon has supercharged her lunar magnet so she can finally go to the moon and retrieve the “harvest moon crystal,” giving her new powers to be truly unstoppable. Determined to stop Luna, the PJ Masks take their HQ in rocket mode and follow Luna into space.
  • As they blast off, Gekko looks nervous about the plan. He suggests that Luna Girl might be bluffing, and maybe they shouldn’t go after her. When Luna throws bubbles at their rocket and one hits them, Gekko starts to worry that they won’t be able to make it home.
  • The rocket lands on the moon, and Catboy and Owlette are ready to go after Luna Girl. Gekko suggests that he should stay in the rocket, and Owlette realizes that something might be wrong. She asks Gekko if he’s okay, and he admits that he’s never been away from home before and he’s scared they’ll be stuck there. Owlette empathizes with Gekko, and tells him that that’s how she felt at her first sleepover.
  • Owlette and Catboy take their PJ Rovers to chase Luna Girl while Gekko stays behind, communicating with them through their headset radios. They find Luna Girl and try to stop her as she approaches the harvest moon crystal, but they realize their powers don’t work the same in space.
  • Luna Girl takes the crystal and it joins with her lunar magnet to form a new magic wand. A crystal fortress emerges from the ground. Catboy and Owlette tiptoe inside the fortress to explore, but Luna Girl catches them. As Gekko watches from the rocket, Luna Girl traps Catboy and Owlette in crystal barriers.

Part 2: Lunar Fortress

  • The second part of the episode continues directly from the first part, and it picks up with Gekko in their rocket ship watching Luna trap Catboy and Owlette. He loses connection with them just before Luna vows to use her crystal to find and capture Gekko too.
  • Gekko is scared to leave their rocket ship, but he says that he knows he can do it - even if he  has to do something scary far from home - because he knows his friends are counting on him. He heads out on his PJ Rover and sneaks into Luna’s fortress.
  • When Gekko gets to the fortress, he uses his gekko camouflage to sneak in and climb around. When Luna comes in he tries to escape, but she scans the room with her wand and finds him. She traps him in his own cage of crystal, and she leaves for Earth to collect all the people from their city to be her loyal subjects.
  • Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko are all trapped within crystal barriers, but Catboy has the idea to use vibration to destroy them. Gekko uses his muscles to push all of the crystals together so they touch, and then Catboy uses his super cat speed to generate vibrations that crack the crystals. They free themselves from the crystals, and Gekko is excited to go home.
  • When the PJ Masks break free, Luna’s wand pulls her back to the fortress. She finds them before they can escape, and they engage in a struggle for possession of the crystal. The PJ Masks finally get control of the harvest moon crystal, and they return to Earth victorious.
  • Back on Earth, Owlette commends Gekko’s bravery, and he admits that it was scary at first.

Discussion Questions

This episode includes themes including feeling scared, being away from home, and being brave. We encourage you to discuss these themes with your child, and you can use some of these questions as a starting point for conversation.

  • How do you think Gekko felt about going to the moon? How could you tell? Can you think of a time when you’ve felt that way?
  • Gekko told Owlette that he was nervous about being away from home. Have you ever spent time away from home? How did you feel? How did it feel when you came back home?
  • Why did Gekko leave the spaceship even though he was scared? Do you think he was being brave? What do you think it means to be brave?

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