PJ Masks

Night of the Cat / Catboy Does it Again

Season 2 Episode 4

Themes:  Growth Mindset, Working Together, Planning Ahead

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy gets excited about the possibility of increasing his Catabilities, but he puts his friends in a painful situation to carry out his plan. In the end, he realizes he can get better through practice, not magic. In the second part of the episode, Catboy learns the importance of planning ahead after several failed attempts to defeat Romeo.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette explains to a determined Catboy that the magic ritual isn’t the only way he can improve his abilities, because the PJ Masks get a little bit better each time they practice fighting crime.

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, Gekko, along with Owlette, encourages Catboy to slow down and make a plan before rushing into a dangerous situation with Romeo.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Night of the Cat

  • Greg, Amaya, and Connor visit an exhibition about cats, and they discover three cat statues and an old book describing the Night of the Cat. The book tells them that if they arrange the three statues in a triangle at midnight, those with the power of the cat can increase their Catability.
  • Though they’re not entirely sure if the story in the book is true, Catboy becomes determined to try it out to increase his Catability powers. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks and set out to arrange the statues.
  • On their way, the group runs into Luna Girl. Catboy doesn’t want her to know what they’re up to for fear that she’ll try to stop them, so he asks Owlette to distract her and play moonball with her. The moonball repeatedly zaps Owlette with painful shocks as they play, but she continues to play to distract Luna Girl while Gekko and Catboy head back to the museum for the statues.
  • Though the statues are difficult to move, Catboy becomes increasingly determined to increase his Catability, and he starts fantasizing about what his new powers might be. Gekko and Owlette take turns playing with Luna Girl, each time getting worn out by her zaps. They want to stop, but Catboy begs them to distract her for a few more minutes as he finishes the arrangement of statues.
  • Finally, Catboy arranges the statues and they start to glow as it strikes midnight. The power of the statues lifts him up, but he becomes stuck in a ring between them. Luna Girl emerges and reveals that this was her plot all along, and she was the author of the book. Now, Catboy is stuck in her moonwheel and can’t get out, and it starts rolling through town.
  • Catboy apologizes to Gekko and Owlette as he rolls through town, and he realizes that the way to get better is through practice, not by some magic ritual.
  • The group resolves to defeat Luna Girl using their regular powers by working together, and they successfully break Catboy out of the moonwheel. Luna then gets trapped in the moonwheel, and they send her rolling away.
  • Catboy apologizes to the group, and he realizes that he didn’t need any extra catability to save the day, he just needed to work together with his friends.

Part 2: Catboy Does It Again

  • After leaving an exhibition at the museum, Amaya, Connor, and Greg see that everyone is walking backwards. Suddenly everyone seems to pause, then start moving normally again. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of what they saw.
  • On the screen at their HQ, the PJ Masks see that Romeo and his lab are outside of the museum, and they suspect that he’s returned to the scene of the crime. Owlette and Gekko want to form a plan, but Catboy is impatient and insists that they head out to stop Romeo.
  • The group heads out in the cat car and arrives at the museum. Catboy jumps out at Romeo from behind a bush before they have the chance to form a plan, and Romeo ends up zapping the trio with his Rewind-O-Ray. He tells the PJ Masks about this new invention of his, and he tells them about his plan to rewind them back to when they were babies so they never become the PJ Masks and he can take over the world.
  • Romeo rewinds the PJ Masks back to their HQ. When they get there, Gekko and Owlette again want to take the time to form a plan, but Catboy immediately insists that they head back out to stop Romeo. This happens several times, each time Catboy refusing to take the time to form a new plan resulting in the group getting rewound back to their HQ again.
  • Owlette and Gekko finally get through to Catboy, explaining that he keeps making the same mistake over and over by running into the situation without forming a new plan. They take the time to discuss a plan at HQ before heading to the museum a final time.
  • This time, the PJ Masks execute a coordinated plan to trick Romeo. While Catboy distracts him, Gekko and Owlette spill trash all over the ground, leading Romeo and his robot to slip on banana peels and drop the Rewind-O-Ray so the PJ Masks can grab it.
  • Romeo admits defeat, and he retreats with his robot.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes including improving through practice, working as a team, and planning ahead with your child. Consider some of the following questions to get you started:

  • Why do you think Catboy was excited about getting new Catabilities in the first part of this episode? When he realized the new Catabilities wouldn’t come true, how did he decide he could improve his abilities instead? Can you think of something that you got better at by practicing?
  • Do you think Catboy was being a good team player when he asked Gekko and Owlette to take turns getting zapped by Luna Girl’s moonball? Why or why not? What do you think it means to be a good team player?
  • In the second part of the episode, what mistake did Catboy make over and over again? What happened each time he rushed out to confront Romeo? How did taking the time to plan ahead help them stop Romeo?

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