PJ Masks

Ninja Moths / Who's Got the Owl Power?

Season 2 Episode 5

Themes:  Helping, Kindness, Making Safe Choices

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of this episode, Gekko is hesitant to help the villains Luna Girl and Night Ninja because of the way they’ve treated him the past, but he ultimately understands that heroes help everyone and helps rescue them.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of this episode, Owlette gets excited about Night Ninja’s scavenger hunt and doesn’t realize they’re being tricked, despite Gekko and Catboy’s suspicion that Night Ninja might be up to something.

Catboy (Connor)

In the first half of the episode, Catboy encourages Gekko to help Luna Girl and Night Ninja when they’re in need. In the second part of the episode, he suggests to Owlette that they focus on stopping the ninjalinos’ destruction instead of playing their game, but he’s overpowered by her excitement to solve the treasure hunt.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Ninja Moths

  • The episode opens as Catboy, Gekko, and Owlette are battling against Luna Girl and Night Ninja in the space museum. Gekko gets sticky splatted by Night Ninja and beamed up to get stuck on the ceiling by Luna Girl. Catboy and Owlette defeat Luna Girl and Night Ninja, though, and Luna and Night Ninja insult the performance of their respective side kicks.
  • The next day at school, Amaya, Connor, and Greg find sticky splats all over the place, and it looks like moths have eaten the school’s flag. They conclude that Luna Girl and Night Moth have teamed up again, so that night they become the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it.
  • The PJ Masks return to the museum in their owl glider, and when they get there they find both Luna Girl and Night Ninja sticky splatted and stuck on the ceiling. They explain that both of their respective sidekicks - moths for Luna and Ninjalinos for Night Ninja - turned against them due to their cruel treatment. The moths and Ninjalinos have gotten together in pairs to form Ninja Moths - ninjas that can fly due to the moths on their backs.
  • When the Ninja Moths arrive, Gekko is reluctant to help the two villains because of the way they’d treated him the night before.  Owlette insists that they’re heroes, and heroes always help. They work together to get Luna and Night Ninja down and under cover to avoid the sticky splat.
  • Despite the attempts of the PJ Masks, the Ninja Moths grab Night Ninja and Luna Girl and strap them to a rocket from the museum. Gekko climbs up the rocket using his super gekko camouflage and rescues Luna Girl and Night Ninja just before the rocket takes off.
  • Gekko thinks they can get the sidekicks to split up and return to their villains by showing the them that the villains really do care, but when he encourages Night Ninja and Luna Girl to show their sidekicks respect they are reluctant to change their ways.
  • Gekko uses his gekko grip to pull apart the moths and Ninjalinos, prompting Luna Girl and Night Moth to start arguing over whose sidekick is better. The moths and Ninjalinos hear their villains arguing for them, and they return to their villains because they feel appreciated.

Part 2: Who’s Got the Owl Power?

  • When Amaya, Connor, and Greg walk outside to their school’s playground, they’re surprised to find that someone has destroyed it and there are big holes all over the ground. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to figure out what’s going on.
  • The PJ Masks head out in the owl glider, and they spot the ninjalinos in the street. Night Ninja tells them that the ninjalinos are playing a game of ‘track the ninja treasure,” and he tells them that he doesn’t think the PJ Masks would be smart enough to solve the clues to play. Owlette insists that she could solve the clues and seems like she wants to play.
  • Catboy protests to Owlette that they should focus on stopping the ninjalinos’ destruction rather than playing a game with them, but Owlette believes that playing the game is the way to stop the destruction. She strikes a deal with Night Ninja that if the PJ Masks solve the three clues to find the treasure, Night Ninja will put an end to the ninjalinos’ destruction.
  • Owlette is eager to show off her owl power and solve the three clues. The PJ Masks successfully do solve the clues, each time with the ninjalinos following close behind. Catboy and Gekko are suspicious of the ninjalinos, but Owlette insists they’re just trying to cheat because the PJ Masks are winning.
  • After solving the final clue, the PJ Masks bring the three items they found to the hill where they meet Night Ninja. The villain reveals that he’s tricked them into finding the treasures that he needed for an all-new sticky splat recipe, then his ninjalinos sticky splat the PJ Masks in place so they can grab the items. Night Ninja creates the new splat, and uses this ultra-heavy splat to hold the PJ Masks down before he heads to their HQ to fill it with the splat.
  • The PJ Masks realize that the heavy splat containing them may be just what they need to stop the Night Ninja, and they roll themselves around like bowling balls to knock down their ninjalino guards. They then roll down the hill toward Night Ninja, and they roll into his vat of sticky splat. Night Ninja himself gets buried in the splat, and his ninjalinos carry him away in defeat.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including helping others, being kind, and being careful. Consider exploring some of these questions together.

  • Why was Gekko hesitant to help Luna Girl and Night Ninja? Why do you think he did decide to help them in the end? Can you think of a time when you helped someone else, or when someone else helped you? How did you feel?
  • Do you remember how Luna Girl and Night Ninja were treating their sidekicks at the beginning of this episode? How do you think it made their sidekicks feel, and what did they do about it?
  • Do you think Owlette was being careful when she decided to play the treasure hunt with the ninjalinos? Why or why not? How did Night Ninja end up tricking them?

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