PJ Masks

PJ Robot / PJ Power Up

Season 2 Episode 7

Themes:  Kindness, Identifying Emotions, Making Mistakes

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of the episode, Gekko grows fond of Romeo’s new mini-robot, and he insists that the robot wants to join their team even when Catboy and Owlette are worried that Romeo will regain control of it. By being nice to the robot, though, Gekko and his two teammates get the mini robot to break out of Romeo’s control.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette encourages PJ Robot when he struggles helping them in HQ, telling him that he’ll figure it out eventually, and they don’t always get things right either.

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy is concerned that PJ Robot will destroy their HQ if Romeo regains control of him. At the end of the second part of the episode, he appreciates PJ Robot and attributes their new super abilities to him.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: PJ Robot

  • One night while the PJ Masks are outside, they spot Romeo working on a secret new invention. Before they can see what he’s working on, Romeo disappears in a cloud of smoke leaving only a few screws and other bits behind. The next night, they turn back into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it.
  • The group sees Romeo’s mobile lab in the street, and a miniature floating version of Romeo’s robot emerges from it. The group thinks it’s a cool invention, and they laugh as the robot gives each of them a hug. Owlette suggests that something’s not right, because why would Romeo make a cute invention?
  • Catboy’s cat ears pick up a sound, and he overhears Romeo talking about how he’s tricking the PJ Masks into becoming font of the mini robot so they take it back to their HQ and it can destroy it.
  • Romeo emerges and shows the PJ Masks how he can use a remote control to control the mini robot. He’s mean to his original robot, who he calls a “trashcan” and a “bucket of bolts,” unlike the new robot who is easier for him to control. Romeo flees when one of his other robots go into defense mode, and he leaves the mini robot and controller behind.
  • Now in possession of the remote control, he PJ Masks invite the little robot to play with them, and the robot excitedly joins them. They bring him to HQ, and he helps them clean and train there. They realize that he wants to be part of the PJ Masks, and Gekko invites him to join them as their first PJ Robot.
  • Owlette and Catboy head out again to investigate another invention that Romeo is building, and they see that he’s building a giant remote control so he can regain control of the mini robot. They return to HQ and warn Gekko about the new controller, but Gekko gives the mini robot a hug and insists that he wants to be on their team. The group heads out to stop Romeo before he can regain control.
  • When the three PJ Masks approach Romeo this time, he uses the giant remote to hold them in a forcefield. He then takes back the remote control and tries to regain control of the mini robot.
  • When the PJ Masks call out to the robot that they want it to join them, it breaks out of Romeo’s hold. It instead starts helping the PJ Masks, and it gets them out of the forcefield
  • Romeo orders his big robot to “attack, metalhead!” but the robot refuses, telling Romeo that he doesn’t want to be controlled and asking Romeo to be nice to him. Romeo leaves in defeat, and the PJ Masks welcome their new PJ Robot to the team.

Part 2: PJ Power Up

  • Amaya, Connor, and Greg are excited for PJ Robot to be part of their team, but they aren’t quite sure what his role is going to be. They find some sticky splat on the sidewalk, and that night they turn into the PJ Masks to figure out what Night Ninja is up to.
  • That night, PJ Robot tries helping them around the HQ, but his attempts fail and he appears disheartened. Owlette encourages him, telling him that he’ll get it eventually.
  • When Owlette, Gekko, and Catboy leave to find Night Ninja, the PJ Robot stays behind. He tries using the picture player screen, but it seems to get overloaded, and the electricity goes out in the HQ. A giant crystal totem rises up from the center of the HQ.
  • The PJ Masks find Night Ninja teaching his Ninjalinos to levitate buildings so they can steal them. The PJ Masks launch into action to stop them, but in the middle of their attempt they each suddenly lose their powers and turn back into children. Owlette sees PJ Robot calling them on their walkie-talkie, and she sees the mysterious crystal behind him. They retreat back to their HQ with the Ninjalinos close behind them.
  • On their way to HQ, the PJ Masks discuss how they might have lost their powers because of something PJ Robot did, and Greg suggests that maybe he wasn’t ready to be part of their team. PJ Robot hears them through the walkie-talkie, and he looks hurt to hear them say these things.
  • The door of the HQ doesn’t work without electricity, and the PJ Masks realize there’s no way in, and the Ninjalinos are right behind them. Owlette realizes that PJ Robot had tried to call her and probably was trying to help, and they decide they’d been too hard on the PJ Robot. He was just trying to help, and they realize they don’t always get stuff right either.
  • PJ Robot again hears the PJ Masks through the walkie-talkie, and he looks happy to hear them saying more positive things about him. He plugs himself into the HQ building, and drains his own battery in order to power the door so the PJ Masks can get in.
  • When the PJ Masks enter, they see that PJ Robot sacrificed his own energy for them. They put their hands on the crystal that’s appeared, and it turns them back into the PJ Masks. Catboy praises PJ Robot for proving himself, and the robot spins around in delight.
  • The trio heads back out to defeat Night Ninja, and they realize they’ve each gotten new powers from the crystal. They stop Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos, and thank PJ Robot for their new powers.

Discussion Questions

After watching this episode, you can discuss themes like being nice, identifying emotions of others, and making mistakes with your child. Consider exploring some of these questions together.

  • How was Romeo treating his big robot in the first part of the episode? Do you remember when he called it names? Do you think Romeo was being nice? How do you think the robot felt when Romeo treated him that way, and what did he do in the end because of it?
  • How do you think the PJ Robot felt when it kept making mistakes? Why do you think it felt that way? Can you think of a time when you’ve made a mistake, and how did you feel? Do you think it’s important to keep trying when you make mistakes?
  • How do you think the PJ Robot felt when it heard the PJ Masks say it might not have been ready to be one of the PJ Masks through the walkie talkie? How do you think it felt by the end of the episode, and what changed?

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