PJ Masks

Power Pondweed / Owlette Comes Clean

Season 2 Episode 19

Themes:  Perseverance, Honesty

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of this episode, Catboy and Owlette let Gekko, the “Master of the Deep,” take the lead. Though he makes some mistakes that give Romeo an advantage, he refuses to give up and ultimately saves the day.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette doesn’t know how to tell Gekko and Catboy that she broke the museum’s telescope, so she lets Luna Girl take the blame. She finally does admit her mistake to the other PJ Masks, and she apologizes for not being honest.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy accepts Luna Girl’s apology for not being honest about the telescope, and he assures her that everyone makes mistakes.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Power Pondweed

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg find a pile of cars stacked up by the pond, and they notice the cars are covered in green slime. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to investigate.
  • From their surveillance screens at HQ, the PJ Masks can see Romeo driving around in his submarine-like cockpit under water. Owlette and Catboy agree that Gekko should take the lead on this one because he did a great job on their previous underwater mission, and they call him the “Master of the Deep.” They head out underwater in the Gekko-mobile.
  • The group finds Romeo in an underwater cave. Romeo explains to them that he found power pondweed, and he used it to create a pondweed power tool which can freeze anything to trap it in place. He also tells them about a giant pondweed patch that has grown nearby, and he plans to get it to make himself even more powerful.
  • Romeo tries to zap the PJ Masks with his pondweed power tool, but they dodge his attempts. Huddling together in a hiding place, Catboy and Gekko both form different plans and present them. Catboy agrees to go with Gekko’s plan because he’s the Master of the Deep.
  • The trio carries out Gekko’s plan. Gekko gets possession of the pondweed ray, but then Romeo’s robot tries to pull it from his hands and he ends up dropping it. Catboy and Owlette get zapped and trapped in place, and Romeo snatches the ray. Romeo heads out to find the larger pondweed patch, and Catboy and Owlette urge Gekko to follow him.
  • Gekko follows Romeo in the Gekko-mobile. He tells himself that he’s a leader and he can do it, even if he did just make a mistake. Romeo zaps the Gekko-mobile and it starts to sink, but Gekko continues repeating to himself that he can do this.
  • Gekko swims out of the sinking Gekko-mobile, and he goes after Romeo. Romeo knocks him to the ground and mocks Gekko for calling himself a leader. Laying on the floor of the pond, Gekko still tells himself that he can’t give up.
  • Gekko closes his eyes, but then he opens them again and realizes he’s gained power. It turns out that he fell onto the powerful pondweed patch, and he’s gained all of the pondweed’s energy. He tosses Romeo’s pod out of the water, and he returns to the cave to break Catboy and Owlette out of their trap.
  • Romeo returns to the cave, and Gekko directs Catboy and Owlette on how to use their powers together to get the pondweed ray from him. Romeo leaves in defeat.
  • Gekko apologizes to the other PJ Masks for getting them trapped, and he tells them he’s not a good leader. Owlette assures him that he did great, and Catboy tells him he was the best leader.

Part 2: Owlette Comes Clean

  • This part of the episode opens when the PJ Masks find Luna Girl on the roof of the museum. Luna Girl is using a telescope, and she tells them it can magnify her Luna Magnet’s powers. She uses the telescope to create a beam that she claims will send the PJ Masks to her lunar fortress on the moon.
  • During their effort to stop Luna Girl, Owlette leans against the telescope and accidentally knocks it over causing it to break. Luna Girl flies away, and Gekko and Catboy realize the telescope is broken. They blame Luna Girl, and Owlette joins in pretending to be surprised and blaming Luna Girl.
  • The next day, Connor and Greg are still talking about how Luna Girl broke the telescope. Amaya looks nervous, but she still doesn’t admit it was her. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to stop Luna Girl from breaking anything else.
  • Before they leave HQ, Owlette tells herself that she knows this isn’t right because they’re blaming Luna Girl even though she broke the telescope. She still goes along with the group, though, and they head to the museum to find Luna Girl.
  • The PJ Masks split up to find Luna Girl, and Owlette finds her on a rooftop. She’s repaired the telescope with an even stronger lens, and she tells Owlette that she owes her for fixing the telescope.
  • Gekko and Catboy arrive and accuse Luna Girl of breaking the telescope, and Luna Girl is surprised to learn that they don’t know it was Owlette. Luna Girl insists that she didn’t break it, and Owlette finally admits to Gekko and Catboy that she broke it by accident. They ask her why she didn’t tell them sooner, and she explains that she didn’t know how to tell them so she let Luna Girl take the blame instead. She apologizes for not speaking up.
  • Luna Girl uses the telescope to create portals all around town pulling objects up to her lunar fortress on the moon. The PJ Masks have to work together to prevent each other from getting pulled up in the beams, then Owlette is able to use her owl feathers to disable the telescope.
  • After Luna Girl leaves, Owlette apologizes again for not being honest about the telescope. Catboy assures her it’s okay, and everyone makes mistakes.

Discussion Questions

This episode includes the themes of perseverance and honesty. We encourage you to discuss these themes with your child, and you can use some of the following questions to get started.

  • How do you think Gekko felt when Romeo trapped Catboy and Owlette with his pondweed power ray? Did he give up? What did Gekko tell himself to help himself keep going?
  • Can you think of a time when you had trouble doing something? Did you keep trying? How did you feel?
  • How do you think Owlette felt after she broke the telescope? What did she tell Catboy and Gekko? Why don’t you think she told them the truth? How do you think lying made her feel? Do you think it’s important to tell the truth, even when it’s hard?

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