PJ Masks

Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko Master of the Deep

Season 2 Episode 10

Themes:  Feeling Scared, Asking for Help

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of this episode, Catboy gets zapped by Romeo and turns into an actual cat. His new cat instincts make him want to stay with Romeo’s robot who gives him cat treats and cuddles, but he overcomes them to escape and help his friends stop Romeo.

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, Gekko feels scared when he has to follow Romeo into a dark underwater cave, and he tells his friends that he might not be the “Master of the Deep” they thought he was.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette reassures Gekko when he admits to them that he was scared, and she tells him they should’ve helped instead of making a big deal about him being the “Master of the Deep.”

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Robot’s Pet Cat

  • One day, Greg, Amaya, and Connor find a cat collar out on the playground. There’s no cat insight, and the collar says “Catboy” on it. Thinking something seems fishy, they turn into the PJ Masks that night to get to the bottom of it.
  • They head out in the cat car to the park, and Catboy uses his super cat ears to listen closely. He hears a cat’s meow, and, thinking that there might be a cat in need of help, he runs toward the source of the sound. He follows the sound up a tree, but he finds a recording device playing the sound, not a cat. The villain Romeo emerges and zaps catboy with a laser, and he turns into an actual cat.
  • Romeo reveals that it was all a trap, and he shows the PJ Masks his Animal-Metamorpho Ray that can transform anyone into any animal he wants. He’s planning to get Owlette and Gekko too, and they run away to escape before he can zap them.
  • Romeo’s robot had wanted a pet, and he starts to really like the cat version of Catboy. He asks Romeo if he can keep the cat as a pet, and Romeo tells him he can if he can take good care of him.
  • Catboy tries to run away when the robot opens his cage, but he’s lured back when the robot dangles cat treats in the air. Despite his desire to escape, he starts becoming more and more cat-like, and he can’t resist treats and cuddles.
  • The robot threatens to destroy Romeo’s Animal-Metamorpho Ray so that the PJ Masks won’t be able to change Catboy back, and Owlette and Gekko realize they need to act fast. While Romeo and the robot argue about the robot refusing Romeo’s orders, Owlette and Gekko go get a laser from Owlette’s house to get Catboy’s attention.
  • Catboy finally overcomes his cat instincts and runs away from the robot. Gekko and Owlette return to the park and come face to face with Romeo, and Catboy jumps out onto Romeo’s face, causing him to drop the ray.
  • The PJ Masks, Romeo, and the Robot struggle over possession of the ray. Owlette uses the laser to get Catboy to run around, distracting Romeo’s robot who then tries to chase him.
  • Gekko ultimately is able to grab the ray, and he demands that Romeo tell him how to reverse it, threatening to turn Romeo into an animal if he doesn’t. He uses it to zap Catboy back into his normal self. Catboy compliments the robot on how well he took care of him, and Romeo and the robot walk away in defeat.

Part 2: Gekko Master of the Deep

  • Greg, Connor, and Amaya are playing with Greg’s remote controlled submarine when it suddenly disappears under the surface of the water. They think something underwater took it, and they turn into the PJ Masks at nightfall to figure out what it was.
  • On their screens at HQ, the PJ Masks watch as other objects - from light posts to cars - get grabbed off the street and pulled underwater by giant metal tentacle-like arms. The PJ Masks each head out in their vehicles, and PJ Robot joins Gekko in his Gekko car.
  • Gekko turns his vehicle into a submarine and takes it underwater, and he’s confident that it’ll be easy to overcome any challenges because he’s the Master of the Deep.
  • Gekko finds Romeo and his robot, and learns that Romeo has turned his robot into a Roboctopus with long arms. He’s been stealing metal items from all over town and using them to make longer arms for Roboctopus, and he plans to make the arms so long that he can reach all around the world.
  • Gekko chases Romeo and Roboctopus, but when they go into a dark tunnel he’s scared to follow them. PJ Robot encourages to go, but he returns to the surface with the excuse that he needs brighter lights for his car.
  • On the surface, Gekko finds Catboy and Owlette, but he doesn’t want to admit that he was scared, and he tells them he has it all under control. He returns under water and works up the bravery to go into the tunnel, which takes him into an underwater lair, but when Romeo pops up and scares him he quickly drives away, only narrowly escaping the Roboctopus.
  • Gekko joins Catboy and Owlette back on the surface, but the tentacle arms pop up and take each of their cars. Romeo pops up and tells them that he’s also going to take their HQ and pull it under water.
  • Gekko apologizes to Catboy and Owlette, and he admits that he was scared of the dark cave. Catboy assures Gekko that he’s not a scaredy-robot, and Owlette apologizes that they made a big deal about him being the “Master of the Deep” instead of helping him. Catboy points out that they could have helped him if he’d told them about the situation sooner.
  • Owlette and Catboy help Gekko prepare to go back into Romeo’s cave in his underwater suit. Gekko swims into the cave, and he swims around in circles as the robot tries to grab him, resulting in the robot’s tentacle arms getting all tangled up.
  • With the roboctopus arms all tangled up, Gekko is able to remove its arms from their HQ. Romeo and the robot walk off in defeat, and Gekko tells his friends that he couldn’t have done it without them.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child like feeling scared and asking for help. Consider exploring some of these questions together to get started:

  • Why did Romeo and his robot disagree in the first part of the episode? Why did the robot want to smash Romeo’s invention? How do you think he felt?
  • How did Gekko feel when he had to go through the dark, spooky cave? Have you ever felt that way? Why do you think Gekko didn’t want to tell Owlette and Catboy that he was scared? How did Owlette and Gekko respond when he finally told them?
  • Do you think anything would have happened differently if Gekko had asked for help from Catboy and Owlette earlier? Do you think it’s important to ask for help when you need it? Who do you think you could ask for help if you needed it?

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