
Spinner Dolphins / Coelacanth

Season 4 Episode 11

Themes:  Perseverance, Patience, Feeling Scared

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


In the first part of the episode, Kwazii uses the dolphin-like GUP-B submarine to replicate a dolphin’s jump, but he has to persevere through a couple of failed attempts before he gets the splash just right.


In the second part of the episode, Peso gets scared by Quazi’s stories about the jumping jangle bones creature, but Captain Barnacles assures him that he’s never heard of a jumping jangle bones.

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles delegates roles to each of the Octonauts on their adventures. He also encourages Kwazii not to give up when he’s having trouble replicating the dolphin’s splash in the first part of this episode.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Spinner Dolphine

  • The Octonauts are looking at fish outside the windows of their underwater home, the Octopod, when they notice a cluster of trash floating around them. Dashi looks on the radar and sees that a current is pulling debris from a storm toward a nearby bay. Concerned that creatures in the bay could get tangled in the debris or get sick if they try to eat it, the Octonauts rush to the bay.
  • The group arrives at the bay and they split up to warn all of the animals. After all of the animals have left or taken shelter, they see a group of dolphins swimming happily toward them.
  • Captain Barnacles tries calling out to the dolphins to warn them about the coming trash, but they’re making too much noise swimming and splashing to hear him. They suddenly become more quiet, and one announces that it’s time to “power down,” prompting them to swim together slowly with their eyes closed.
  • The Octonauts realize that the dolphins are swimming in their sleep, and Quazi wants to wake them up. Shellington warns him not to because there are particular hours they need to sleep. Instead, Dashi and Quazi clear paths out of the arriving debris to allow the dolphins to continue swimming, and the others work to clean up the trash.
  • The dolphins wake up and start to panic when they see that they’re surrounded by trash in the water. Once again, they can’t hear Captain Barnacles’ attempts to calm them down because they’re making too much noise.
  • One dolphin approaches the Octonauts and explains she knows they need to leave and wants the other dolphins to follow her. She tells them that they communicate using splashes by jumping out of the water, but the rest of the group can’t hear her splashes instructing them to follow her. Captain Barnacles suggests they use Quazi’s dolphin-like GUP-B submarine to make a louder splash. It takes Quazi a few tries to get the splash right, but with the help of the dolphin and Dashi he does the jump correctly to make hte correct splash.
  • The dolphins follow Quazi, and he leads them to clearer water.

Part 2: Coelacanth

  • Captain Barnacles leads Quazi, Shellington, Peso, and the vegimals into a cave to hunt for fossils. Shellington explains that fossils are remains from creatures that lived long ago. Quazi becomes frustrated when he’s not finding anything as the group pounds with tools against the cave walls, and Shellington encourages him to have patience because fossil hunting takes time.
  • Peso knocks off bits of the cave wall to reveal a fossil of a creature that resembles a fish. They bring in lights to get a better look, and Shellington identifies it as a Coelacanth fossil. He explains that it’s an amazing discovery because those fish lived millions of years ago, and Captain Barnacles suggests they bring it back home.
  • The lights flicker off, and when they turn back on the fossil has mysteriously disappeared. Quazi suggests it might be a jumping jangle bones, and tells a scary story about a creature called a jumping jangle bones that looks like bones but comes to life when you get close. Peso appears very frightened, but Barnacles calms him down and suggests they search for whatever took the fossil.
  • The group splits up and searches through the dark passageways of the cave. A few of them almost catch up with a fish, but it escapes from their grasp as they chase it. Eventually, all of the Octonauts collide in the cave.
  • The group spots the fossil again, and Quazi suggests the jumping jungle bones has turned back into bones. Peso looks terrified as he spots the living fish, and he tells the group that the fossil is alive. They look up and lay eyes on the fish, scaring themselves and the fish, and someone knocks against the cave and causes a pile a rocks to collapse in front of their exit.
  • The fish, who tells them that it’s a coelacanth itself, apologizes for scaring the group. He explains that they do still exist, they just like to keep to themselves.
  • The Octonauts have to dig their way through the pile of rocks to get out of the cave, and the coelacanth uses its strong armored tail to knock the additional falling rocks out of the way. They finally dig their way through the pile of rocks, and the coelacanth returns the fossil for them to take home.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can explore topics in conversation with your child including perseverance, patience, and feeling scared. Consider using some of the following questions to get you started.

  • Why did the dolphins need the Octonauts’ help? How did they help them?
  • What did Quazi do to tell the dolphins to follow him after they woke up? Did it work the first time he tried? Who helped him make the right splash to get them to follow him?
  • Shellington told Quazi he needed to be patient while they were digging for fossils. What do you think it means to be patient? Can you think of a time when you had to be patient?
  • How do you think Peso felt when Quazi was telling him about the jumping jungle bones? How could you tell? What’s something that makes you feel scared?

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