PJ Masks

Terrible Two-Some / Owlette's Luna Trouble

Season 2 Episode 3

Themes:  Working Together, Resolving Conflict

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of this episode, Gekko becomes a bit frustrated and upset when Romeo turns Catboy and Owlette into babies with his baby-beam, convincing Gekko that he’ll have to save the day all on his own. He gets the idea to “play superhero” with Catboy and Owlette, though, and is able to re-teach them their superpowers so the group can work together after all.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette gets frustrated when Luna is being mean to her, but she ultimately gets past their conflict because she knows they need to work together to defeat Romeo.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy encourages Owlette and Luna to get along so they can all work together toward their common goal.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Terrible Two-Some

  • Greg, Connor, and Amaya are playing with scooters at school when one of their classmates approaches and starts acting like a baby. They look at the playground and realize everyone - even their teacher - is acting like a two-year old, and they decide to get to the bottom of it as the PJ Masks.
  • That night, they turn into the PJ Masks and head out in Gekko’s car. Owlette uses her owl eyes to spot Romeo standing next to a big machine, and when they approach him he explains that he’s created the baby-beam machine that will turn everyone into babies.
  • Romeo tries to zap the PJ Masks with the baby-beam, and he manages to catch Owlette and Catboy. They start acting like babies, but Gekko manages to evade the baby-beam. He pushes Romeo’s machine down a hill, and brings Catboy and Owlette back to their HQ as Romeo chases the machine.
  • Back at HQ, Gekko gets a bit frustrated when he can’t get Owlette and Catboy under control, and he realizes he’ll have to stop Romeo all by himself. The HQ alarm starts going off and Gekko realizes Romeo is on his way, and he suggests to the other two that they play a game of superhero.
  • Catboy and Owlette are excited to play superhero, and Gekko is able to teach them both how to use their superpowers. When Romeo arrives and it’s time to stand up to him, though, Catboy and Owlette both take a nap under a tree instead.
  • Romeo’s robot grabs Gecko and is about to zap him with the baby-beam when Catboy and Owlette wake up and use the superpowers Gekko taught them to stop Romeo’s attempt. Owlette flies up to Romeo and knocks the laser so it instead strikes Romeo’s robot, who starts acting like a baby. Gekko compliments Catboy and Owlette for remembering how to use their powers.
  • The laser starts spinning out of control, then it strikes Catboy and Owlette a second time and turns them back into their normal selves. Romeo, defeated, leaves with his robot and machine, but assures the PJ Masks that they haven’t seen the last of him.

Part 2: Owlette’s Luna Trouble

  • On their way home from fighting a villain, Owlette tells Gekko and Catboy that she read about something amazing that’s going to happen to the moon the following night. Another villain, Luna Girl, flies up next to them and insists that Owlette doesn’t know about the moon or have the moon’s power like she does. Owlette insists that she does know a lot because of the book she read, and she tells them that there will be an eclipse the following night.
  • The next day, Amaya, Greg, and Connor are reading Amaya’s book together, and they’re suddenly swarmed by a bunch of luna moths. They think that something might be happening with Luna, so when night arrives they transform back into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it.
  • From their HQ, the PJ Masks see that Luna is having trouble flying on her moon hover board. They go out in the owl glider and find her, and they realize that as the moon is getting eclipsed and losing its brightness Luna is also losing her powers. Worse, another villain, Romeo, is determined to steal Luna’s moon-powered objects so he gets the moon’s power when it returns.
  • Luna asks the PJ Masks for help, but Owlette is hesitant to be nice to her because Luna has been snippy with her. Gekko encourages Owlette to be nice, pointing out that losing your powers would be no fun and that might be behind Luna’s attitude.
  • Owlette continues to get angry with Luna when Luna calls her “bird brain.” but Catboy encourages her not to get frustrated because they need to work together to stop Romeo.
  • Luna and Owlette continue arguing as the group tries to stop Romeo, and Luna ends up hopping in Owlette’s owl glider and taking it for a ride. Catboy pleads with Luna to try not to get under Owlette’s skin, and they talk about how being on a mission requires dealing with difficult stuff.
  • Romeo snatches Luna’s moon-powered glider just as the moon is becoming uncovered, and he rides off from the group, now in possession of the moon’s power. Owlette apologizes to the others, and tells them that if she hadn’t gotten worked up they wouldn’t have fallen into the trap. Luna also apologizes for getting Owlette worked up, and the two decide to work together to stop Romeo once and for all.
  • As Romeo tries to pull the moon toward them to destroy the PJ Masks HQ, the PJ Masks and Luna effectively work together to put a stop to his attempt. They finally regain possession of Luna’s tools, and Romeo rides off in defeat.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including working together and resolving conflict. Consider exploring some of these questions to get the conversation started.

  • How do you think Gekko felt when Owlette and Catboy were both turned into babies, and he thought he’d have to stop Romeo all by himself? What did he do to get their help stopping Romeo in the end? Can you think of a time when you’ve worked together with others like the PJ Masks do?
  • How was Luna treating Owlette in the second part of this episode? How do you think Owlette felt when Luna called her names and was mean about her driving?
  • Why was it important for the PJ Masks and Luna to work together at the end of the episode? Can you think of a time when you’ve worked together with others like they did?

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