PJ Masks

The Wolfies Take HQ / The Good Wolfy

Season 2 Episode 20

Themes:  Doing the Right Thing

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, Gekko realizes that Kevin, one of the Wolfies, doesn’t want to be bad. He gets to know Kevin while they paint together, and he encourages Kevin to be good.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of this episode, Owlette tries to discourage the Wolfies from putting paw prints all over town, telling them that messing things up isn’t fun, it’s bad.

Catboy (Connor)

When the PJ Masks lose their HQ in the first half of the episode, Catboy points out that the most important thing is for them to have each other.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: The Wolfies Take HQ

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg head out to recess only to find that the playground is closed because some animals made a mess of it. They see paw prints, and realize the werewolf Wolfy Kids are up to no good. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to stop them.
  • The Wolfy Kids are trying to find the perfect new headquarters. They spot the PJ Masks’ HQ just as the PJ Masks are flying out of it, and they get the idea to take it over while it’s unguarded.
  • The Wolfies trick PJ Robot into letting them into the HQ, then they start running wild inside. PJ Robot appears concerned, but they threaten to ruin the place if the robot doesn’t follow their orders.
  • The PJ Masks struggle to get back into their HQ. Meanwhile, the Wolfies decide to blast off in the PJ Masks’ HQ so they can finally go to the moon and go “full wolfy.” They try to take off a couple of times, but they struggle because they don’t know how it works, and they end up landing nearby.
  • The Wolfies finally succeed at taking off in the HQ rocket, and Owlette thinks fast and uses her owl glider to grab onto the HQ and pull it back toward Earth. Gekko helps her pull the HQ toward the ground, and Catboy starts climbing up to get inside. When PJ Robot accidentally gets ejected from the HQ, though, the PJ Masks must let go of the HQ in order to rescue him.
  • Though they lost hold of their HQ, Gekko assures PJ Robot that they couldn’t lose him, and Catboy agrees that nothing is more important than the group having each other.
  • PJ Robot creates a plan to regain control of the HQ. They use the owl glider to launch him toward the HQ as it launches away, and he successfully is able to turn it around so it lands back on Earth. After defeating the Wolfies, Gekko thanks PJ Robot for all of its hard work.

Part 2: The Good Wolfy

  • Greg, Amaya, and Connor are playing soccer one day when they notice a bunch of wolfy paw prints on a lamp post. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to see what the wolfies are up to.
  • The PJ Masks find the Wolfy Kids using paint to leave their paw prints around town. They demand that the Wolfies stop paw printing the city, but the Wolfies protest that it’s too much fun. Owlette tells them that messing things up isn’t fun, it’s bad, but the Wolfies tell them that Wolfies are supposed to be bad.
  • One of the Wolfies, Kevin, is more hesitant to leave paw prints around town. Gekko points out that Kevin isn’t being bad even though he’s a Wolfy.
  • The Wolfies leave to find more paint at the school, and the PJ Masks follow close behind. Gekko goes into the school to find Kevin, while Owlette and Catboy pursue the other Wolfies, Rip and Howler.
  • When Gekko finds Kevin in the art room, he realizes that Kevin wants to paint pictures with the paint instead of leaving paw prints around time. Gekko tells Kevin that it’s completely fine to use paint to make pictures, and the pair has fun painting pictures together. Gekko tells Kevin he’s a good Wolfy, but Kevin tells him that Rip and Howler told him that Wolfies can’t be good.
  • Rip and Howler find them in the art room, and they yell at Kevin for painting with Gekko. Kevin tells them that he wants to be a good Wolfy, but they tell him there’s no such thing. They tell him he has to be in or out of their pack, and he chooses to be out so he can be good.
  • The PJ Masks find Kevin alone in the street, and he explains to them that he left the Wolfy pack so he could be good. Gekko assures him that he did the right thing.
  • The group finds Rip and Howler climbing up the tall PJ Masks’ HQ in an attempt to get their paw prints on it. Kevin yells to them that they should come down before they get hurt, but they don’t listen.
  • Howler starts to fall, and Rip barely catches him. The two are dangling from the HQ, but the PJ Masks can’t rescue them because they’re howling in fear. Kevin uses his own howls to block their howls, and the PJ Masks are able to save the Wolfies.
  • By saving them, Kevin showed the others that Wolfies really can be good. Rip and Howler invite Kevin back into their pack, and he joins happily.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, we encourage you to discuss the theme of doing the right thing with your child. Consider exploring some of the following questions to get started.

  • How did the Wolfy Kids treat PJ Robot when they broke into the PJ Masks’ HQ? How do you think PJ Robot felt when they treated him like that? Do you think it was okay for them to treat the robot that way?
  • Why didn’t Kevin want to be bad with the Wolfies in the second part of the episode? What did he want to do instead?
  • Why was Kevin worried about being a good wolfy? Do you think it was okay for the other wolfies to make him leave their pack just so he could be good? Do you think he did the right thing by leaving the group anyway?
  • What do you think you can do if you see another child your age doing something bad?

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