PJ Masks

The Wolfy Kids / Wolf-O-Saurus

Season 2 Episode 13

Themes:  Looking Out for Others

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy is primarily concerned with saving his own Cat Car from the Wolfies rather than stopping them from destroying the rest of town, but in the end he realizes that he needs to put the whole town first.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette encourages Catboy to think of the town, and not just his Cat Car, as they try to stop the Wolfies.

Gekko (Greg)

In the second part of the episode, Gekko encourages Owlette and Catboy to learn about the other dinosaurs, not just the T-Rex, and ultimately shows them just how cool these lesser-known dinosaurs are.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: The Wolfy Kids

  • Connor has won a mural design competition, and he’s excited for his mural to be painted on the fence outside of their school. When they go outside, though, they find that someone has messed with the paints, and they see a trail of paw prints nearby. Connor, Greg, and Amaya visit some other spots around town and find that they’ve also been destroyed, and that there are paw prints at each of them.
  • That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it. They meet a trio of werewolves who call themselves the Wolfy Kids named Howler, Rip, and Kevin. The Wolfy Kids explain to the PJ Masks that they take whatever they want, and they mess it up because it’s fun for them.
  • Catboy charges at the Wolfies, but they knock him and the others down with their howling sound waves. The Woflies hop into the Cat Car and start driving it, and when Catboy protests that it doesn’t belong to them, they say it does.
  • Catboy calls PJ Robot at HQ and asks him to activate the remote control on the Cat Car, but Gekko protests that it might not be safe while the Wolfy Kids are driving it. Catboy says they still have to, and PJ Robot tries to control it remotely. The car drives erratically as a result, with both PJ Robot and the Wolfie Kids trying to control it, and it crashes into things as it swerves through the streets.
  • PJ Robot activates the catapult function of the Cat Car, and the Wolfy Kids start bouncing through the streets. They realize their powers might get stronger as they bounce closer to the moon. Catboy is concerned that the Wolfy Kids will ruin his Cat Car in their effort to get closer to the moon, but Owlette tells him it’s not just about his car, it’s about their town.
  • Catboy constructs a plan to use rope to pull the Cat Car into their HQ, but when they pull the car in, the Wolfy Kids claim that the HQ is now theirs too. They find the other cars, and take the Owl Glider and Lizard Car out for a drive.
  • The PJ Masks pursue the Wolfy Kids in the Cat Car, and Catboy realizes he’d just been thinking about himself before instead of the town, which he says is a bit “wolfy” of him. He finally hatches a plan to stop the Wolfy Kids and get the other cars back. Even though the plan might hurt the Cat Car by letting it fall into the water, he knows they need to do it for the good of the town.
  • The PJ Masks finally catch the Wolfy Kids using Catboy’s plan, and they make the Wolfy Kids clean up their messes around town before they run off again.

Part 2: Wolf-O-Saurus

  • The PJ Masks are enjoying a dinosaur exhibit at the museum, and Greg tells Amaya and Connor about all the different kinds of dinosaurs. Amaya and Connor think the T-Rex is the best one, but Greg argues that others are great too.
  • They find out that some of the bones at the museum have been stolen, and they spot a trail of wolf prints. That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to get to the bottom of it.
  • The group sees the Wolfy Kids outside with piles of bones. Rip and Howler are having a bones competition, and they’re arguing over whose pile of bones is bigger. They decide to head back to the museum to get more bones, and the PJ Masks race to meet them there.
  • Howler rolls the T-Rex skeleton out of the museum, and Catboy and Owlette are worried about it because they think it’s the greatest dinosaur. Gekko insists that they need to protect the other bones too, and he heads into the museum while Owlette and Catboy deal with Howler.
  • Inside the museum, Gekko struggles with Rip over a dinosaur model. He calls out that he needs help from the others, but they’re busy distracting Howler to get the T-Rex. They finally do get the T-Rex, and when they bring it inside they don’t pay attention to Gekko and Rip, and the skeleton collides with the other dinosaur model. Both of the dinosaurs fall apart.
  • Gekko holds the museum doors shut with the Wolfy Kids stuck outside while Catboy and Owlette try to put the dinosaurs back together. They accidentally mix up the pieces, and they end up creating a hybrid of the two dinosaurs, which Gekko calls a dino-disaster.
  • The Wolfy Kids sneak back into the museum through a different entrance, and they find a remote control that lets them bring the new hybrid dinosaur to life and control it. They call it their “Wolf-O-Saurus,” and they ride on its back as they fly it out into the night.
  • Owlette and the PJ Masks chase them in the Owl Glider, but they can’t catch up. Gekko suggests they take inspiration from the dinosaurs, and they head back to HQ. There, Gekko adds features to the Owl Glider and Lizard Car inspired by features that some of his favorite dinosaurs used to defend themselves or capture prey.
  • With their newly enhanced cars, the PJ Masks head back out. This time, they successfully fight against the Wolfie Kids, and they chase them away and take back the Wolf-O-Saurus.
  • At the end, Owlette and Catboy agree that some of the other dinosaurs Greg told them about were pretty cool after all.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child like looking out for others. Consider some of the following questions to get your conversation started.

  • What did you think of the Wolfy Kids? How do you think they treated one another?
  • Why do you think Catboy was worried about his Cat Car toward the beginning of this episode? How did he feel about this by the end of the first part of the episode? Do you think it’s important to look out for others?
  • Which dinosaur did Catboy and Owlette care most about in the second part of the episode? What did Gekko think? How did the other dinosaurs  help them?

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