PJ Masks

The Wolfy Plan / The Lizard Theft

Season 2 Episode 21

Themes:  Making Safe Choices, Looking Out for Others, Analyzing Situations

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Owlette (Amaya)

In the first part of the episode, Owlette feels confident that her owl feathers can easily stop the Wolfies. When one of the Wolfies starts using her feathers against her, though, she worries that her feathers aren’t as amazing as she thought. In the end, she works together with Gekko and Catboy to stop the Wolfies after all.

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of the episode, Gekko gets a funny feeling while the PJ Masks are out looking for the culprit who tried to steal his lizard. He thinks hard about the clues, and realizes that Romeo, someone they didn’t suspect, might actually be behind it.

Catboy (Connor)

When Owlette doubts her owl feathers power in the first part of the episode, Catboy assures her that her feathers are still awesome, but they might not be the right answer to everything. He and Gekko offer to use their powers to help.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: The Wolfy Plan

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg are walking outside one day when they find a note from the Wolfies. The note tells them that the Wolfies have something to show them, so they turn into the PJ Masks that night to find out what it is.
  • They head out as the PJ Masks and they find the Wolfies. The Wolfies are howling, and claim that they have a new super-supersonic howl. Catboy tells them that they can’t just invent a new name and claim they have new powers.
  • The Wolfies howl at the PJ Masks, pushing them backward. Owlette insists the Wolfies can’t use wind better than her, and she uses her owl feathers to successfully make them stop.
  • One of the Wolfies, Rip, tells the other Wolfies, Kevin and Howler, that she has a new plan to stop the PJ Masks and that they aren’t clever enough to understand it. She instructs Kevin and Howler to get more feathers thrown at them.
  • Owlette is feeling very confident in her owl feathers and their ability to stop the Wolfies, and she continues throwing them at Kevin and Howler. Meanwhile, Rip trails behind them collecting the feathers off the ground. Kevin and Howler question why Rip is making them get pelted with more feathers.
  • Rip reveals to the other Wolfies that she wants them to use the feathers to become flying Wolfies and fly closer to the moon to get more power. She doesn’t want to fly herself before she knows it’s safe though, so instead she makes Kevin and Howler try flying first.
  • The PJ Masks notice Howler and Kevin using the collected feathers as wings to fly. Howler swoops down and picks up Rip, then they collide with Kevin and the group starts flying around erratically.
  • Owlette appears upset, and worries that her owl feathers might not be so great. Catboy tells her that they’re still amazing, but they might not be the right solution to everything. The PJ Masks have to work together, using Catboy’s stripes, Gekko’s muscles, and Owlette’s flying to rescue the Wolfies from the sky.
  • When they land, Rip is mad at the PJ Masks for stopping their flying. Howler and Kevin point out that they almost got hurt, though, and they tell Rip that she had put them in danger by making them fly before she knew if it was safe.

Part 2: The Lizard Theft

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg find Greg’s lizard outside of its cage, and they suspect that someone must have let it out. Concerned that someone tried to steal the lizard, Greg decides not to let it out of his sight until they find the culprit. The group turns into the PJ Masks that night to figure out who did it.
  • The PJ Masks find some Wolfy footprints and suspect the Wolfies, but Gekko gets a funny feeling that they may be missing something. He doesn’t understand why the Wolfies would want his pet lizard. He shakes off the feeling, concluding that they need to follow the actual clues.
  • The PJ Masks find the Wolfies, but the Wolfies assure them that they have no interest in taking Gekko’s pet.
  • They then head to the museum and find two skeletons missing, the same two skeletons that the Wolfies had used to make the Wolf-o-Saurus in a prior episode. Now Gekko says his funny feeling is in overdrive, and he asks to go back to HQ to have time to think.
  • At their HQ, the group paces around as they try to think through all of the clues. Each clue seems to lead to a dead end. Finally, Gekko suggests Romeo may be responsible because Romeo had tried to steal the pet lizard before. On their surveillance screen, they see Romeo flying around town on the Wolf-o-Saurus.
  • They head out and find Romeo. He tells them he missed the fun he’d had with Gekko’s pet Lionel, but his robot made a mistake when he was sent to kidnap the lizard.
  • Gekko tells the other PJ Masks that he had suspected that the Wolfies weren’t responsible. Catboy tells him they should have given him time to think instead of rushing into action.
  • They use Romeo’s big-e-chews to grow Gekko’s lizard into a giant Lionel-saurus, and together they stop Romeo and the wolf-o-saurus. Romeo leaves in defeat, and the PJ Masks return all of the Wolf-o-Saurus bones to their home in the museum.

Discussion Questions

This episode includes themes like making safe choices, looking out for others, and analyzing situations. Consider exploring some of the following questions in a conversation with your child.

  • How did Owlette feel about her Owl Feathers in the first part of this episode? How did she feel when she realized the Wolfies were using her owl feathers to fly?
  • How did Rip treat the other Wolfies in the first part of the episode? Do you think she was looking out for her teammates? Why or why not?
  • Why did Rip make Kevin and Howler try to fly using the feathers before she did? Do you think her plan was safe?
  • What did Gekko think about the group’s suspicion that the Wolfies had tried to kidnap his pet lizard Lionel? Why do you think he had a funny feeling? How did he figure out who had actually tried to kidnap Lionel? Have you ever had a funny feeling about something before?

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