
Tree Lobsters / Convict Fish

Season 4 Episode 4

Themes:  Helping, Perseverance

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles directs the Octonauts when they face challenges, and encourages them to think about alternative strategies when things don’t work out the first time.


The medic of the Octonauts, Peso is caught in a storm in the first part of the episode while he’s helping a hurt lobster. After he returns to the Octopod and tells them about the tree lobsters he’s met, the group’s skepticism makes him question whether his memories of the tree lobsters were real or just a dream. In the end, he returns a baby tree lobster that hatched in his hat to its family and they are very grateful.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Tree Lobsters

  • Peso is caught in a storm while he’s out on his own performing medical duties, and a giant wave throws him onto the ledge of a mountainous island.
  • A voice calls out to Peso, and he meets a friendly tree lobster named Howie who introduces him to their group. Peso is surprised that they can live on the rocky spike in the ocean. Peso is exhausted, so he lays down to sleep and the tree lobsters promise to look after him.
  • When Peso wakes up in the morning, he can’t find the tree lobsters. He decides to head home, so he jumps into the water and finds Captain Barnacles and Quazi looking for him. The group returns to the Octopod.
  • Peso tells the others about the tree lobsters, but they’re skeptical that he actually met them and it wasn’t a dream. Quazi believes his story though, and the two of them go to the library in search of information on tree lobsters. Just as they find a book that describes tree lobsters, an egg that was stuck in Peso’s hat hatches and a baby tree lobster emerges.
  • The group has to chase the baby tree lobster all around the ship, but they eventually catch it when it falls asleep. They head back to the island to return the baby to its family, and Howie is very appreciative that they’ve returned his child. Howie tells them that the tree lobsters are nocturnal, which explains why Peso didn’t see them the morning he woke up, and why most explorers on that island haven’t found them.

Part 2: Convict Fish

  • Shellington finds an archway while he’s exploring a coral reef, but they notice that it has cracks in it and looks like it could collapse at any moment. Concerned that they don’t have time to repair it, they decide to move the creatures living around the arch to a safer place.
  • They meet a young convict fish named Gilbert who tells them about his mama living in a burrow near the arch. They use their small remote-controlled camera to lure the mama fish out of her burrow, but she refuses to leave because adult convict fish never leave their burrow.
  • The group calls the rest of the Octonauts to tell them about the fish who won’t leave their burrow, and the Octonauts arrive with fish biscuits which they use in an attempt to tempt the mama fish out. She still refuses, and Quazi appears frustrated as they realize that no amount of convincing will get her to leave.
  • Captain Barnacles suggests that they instead dig a new burrow and connect it to the existing one so that the fish can swim to safety underground. The vegimals begin digging the new burrow, and when they encounter a big rock they need to dig around it. They dig through to the old burrow just in time for the fish to escape before their old burrow caves in.
  • Most of the fish have escaped to safety, but Gilbert calls out that he’s stuck in the old burrow. They send down the camera to find him, and Peso maneuvers it to free Gilbert from a rock that’s pinned his tail down so he can also swim to safety.
  • The archway finally collapses, but all of the fish are happy and safe in their new home.

Discussion Questions

After watching this episode, we encourage you to ask your child about what happened, and consider discussing themes including helping others and perseverance with them. The questions below can serve as a starting point for your conversation.

  • What did the rest of the Octonauts think when Peso told them about the tree lobsters he met on the island? What did Quazi and Peso do to find out if the tree lobsters were real?
  • How do you think Howie, the tree lobster, felt when Peso returned his baby tree lobster? Do you think it was nice of them to return the baby tree lobster to the group?
  • Why didn’t the mama convict fish want to leave her burrow? What did the group decide to do instead when they couldn’t get her to leave? Even though they had to change their plan, did they still get the fish to safety like they wanted to?

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