PJ Masks

Wacky Floats / Romeo's Disguise

Season 2 Episode 8

Themes:  Working Together, Doing the Right Thing

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of the episode, Gekko is most concerned with protecting his own lizard float than looking out for all of the floats, but by the end he realizes he should have been prioritizing the group.

Catboy (Connor)

In the first part of the episode, Catboy encourages Gekko to get into the carnival spirit by prioritizing the entire group of floats instead of playing favorites.

Owlette (Amaya)

In the second part of the episode, Owlette insists that the PJ Masks don’t play tricks on the villains because heroes do the right thing no matter what. When Romeo disguises himself as Owlette, though, he’s able to trick the other PJ Masks into acting mean.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Wacky Floats

  • Connor, Amaya, and Greg and their classmates are working on their floats for an upcoming carnival parade, and Greg is particularly happy with his happy lizard float. Connor and Amaya remind him that the spirit of carnival means caring more about how all the floats look together than about which float is the best.
  • The group realizes one of the floats is missing, so the trio turns into the PJ Masks at nightfall to find it. When they do, they spot Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos driving the float down the street toward the other floats. They race to beat the ninjas there before they can take the rest of the floats.
  • When the PJ Masks reach the other floats, Gekko hops out and hugs his lizard float, pledging that he won’t let it get taken. Owlette reminds him that they need to protect all of the floats, and Catboy asks Gekko to use his muscles to put the floats in a circle so they can protect all of them.
  • Night Ninja arrives with his Ninjalinos, and the PJ Masks use their powers to fend them off. When the lizard float is at risk, though, Gekko turns all of his attention toward saving it, and he doesn’t notice when Catboy and Owlette get stuck down with sticky splat. The Ninjalinos manage to get away with another one of the floats, and Owlette is upset with Gekko because they were counting on him.
  • The PJ Masks pursue the Ninjalinos in the floats, and they learn that Night Ninja is working with another villain, Romeo, to turn the floats into robots using specially sensors.
  • The heroes try to defend the floats from Romeo and Night Ninja, but they again run into trouble when Gekko is more concerned with protecting his own float than working together as a team.
  • Gekko finally apologizes to Catboy and Owlette, and acknowledges he should have been thinking about all of the floats and not just his own. They work together to take the floats back, remove Romeo’s sensors, and save the day in time for carnival.
  • At the carnival parade, Greg, Amaya, and Connor ride in one of the other floats, and Connor asks Greg if he’s okay with not riding in the lizard float. Greg doesn’t mind though, and he’s happy that other people get to enjoy the lizard float too.

Part 2: Romeo’s Disguise

  • When Romeo plays a trick on PJ Robot and draws a silly face on it, Gekko wants to play a trick back on Romeo. Owlette suggests that playing a trick would make them no better than the villains.
  • The next day, Greg continues to ask if they can just play a teeny trick on Romeo. Owlette tells him she’s been reading about what it means to be a hero in her Flossy Flash Comics, and she knows that being a hero means doing the right thing no matter what.
  • That night, they turn into the PJ Masks to investigate something suspicious they saw in town. While they’re at their HQ, Owlette sees a new Flossy Flash comic on the ground outside. When she goes outside to get it, it turns out to be a trick and Romeo’s robot grabs her and brings her to his lab. There, Romeo transforms himself into a clone of Owlette and locks the real Owlette in his lab.
  • Romeo - disguised as Owlette - goes back to HQ and tells the other PJ Masks that they should go get revenge on all the night-time villains. Catboy and Gekko are confused because Owlette usually wants to do the right thing, but they go along with it anway.
  • The PJ Masks go around town picking fights with the other villains. and Gekko sometimes protest that the villains haven’t done anything wrong, but when Romeo-as-Owlette insists that they should still attack, and they decide if Owlette thinks it’s okay then it must be okay. After they battle each villain, Romeo’s robot sneaks up and captures the villain in a cage.
  • Owlette finally uses her powers to break out of Romeo’s lab. She argues with Romeo about who the real Owlette is, and Catboy and Gekko are confused about who to believe. When she pushes Catboy and Gekko out of the way of Romeo’s robot, they realize she saved them and she must be the real Owlette.
  • Romeo transforms back into his own body, and his Robot captures the PJ Masks in their own cages. He tells them that he’s going to launch them and the other villains at the moon, and their cages start to fly away.
  • Gekko and Catboy can’t believe that they fell for Romeo’s trick and were mean to the villains, but Owlette assures them it’s not too late to be heroes. They work with the villains to get themselves back to the ground, then PJ Robot tricks Romeo himself to break them out of their cages.
  • They put Romeo and his robot in their own cage, and they’ve saved the day once again.

Discussion Questions

After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child such as working as a team, and doing the right thing & being a hero. Consider some of the following questions to get you started.

  • Which float did Gekko care the most about in the first part of the episode? Do you think he was being a good teammate? Why or why not? How did working together help the PJ Masks in the end?
  • How do you think Gekko and Catboy felt when Romeo disguised as Owlette wanted to pick fights with the villains around town? What do you think the real Owlette would have done in that situation?
  • What did Owlette think it means to be a hero? What do you think it means to be a hero?

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