PJ Masks

Wolfy Mountain / Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan

Season 2 Episode 17

Themes:  Working Together, Feeling Guilty, Sharing

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters

Gekko (Greg)

In the first part of the episode, Gekko tries to explain to the Wolfies that they’re welcome to go to Mystery Mountain, but the mountain belongs to everyone and they need to share it. In the second part of the episode, Gekko feels bad for PJ Robot after the robot thinks the robbery from HQ is all its fault.

Owlette (Amaya)

At the end of the first part of the episode, Owlette invites Night Ninja to work together with the PJ Masks to save one of his Ninjalinos.

Catboy (Connor)

In the second part of the episode, Catboy asks PJ Robot to stay in HQ instead of coming with them to get back the stolen moon crystal. After PJ Robot arrives and saves the day, though, Catboy thanks the robot for being an important part of the team.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Wolfy Mountain

  • One night, the Wolfy Kids see the PJ Masks walking out of the Mystery Mountain portal and overhear them talking about the mountain. The Wolfies become curious and want to make the mountain all theirs.
  • The next day, Connor, Amaya, and Greg are at the library, and they find sticky splat and wolf footprints in the martial arts section. They suspect there may be trouble with the Wolfies and Ninjalinos, and they turn into the PJ Masks that night to handle it.
  • When they venture out that night, the PJ Masks find Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos stuck in some trees. Night Ninja tells them that the Wolfies surrounded them and stole the mountain scroll, and the PJ Masks realize the Wolfies are trying to go to the mountain. Owlette is concerned, but Catboy reminds them that the mountain is for everyone to share.
  • The PJ Masks find the Wolfies struggling to open the portal, and Catboy tells them that it’s fine if they go to the mountain as long as they don’t do anything bad. They show the Wolfies how to open the portal. Gekko tells them again that the mountain is for everyone, but the Wolfies tell them that they’re going to take it for themselves only.
  • The Ninalinos chase the Wolfies through the portal, and the PJ Masks follow them close behind. The Ninjalinos and Wolfies fight on the mountain over who it belongs to.
  • The PJ Masks show up and urge the two groups to share the mountain, explaining that instead of fighting they could be enjoying the mountains together. Unwilling to listen to the PJ Masks, the Ninjalinos trap the PJ Masks behind a pile of rocks.
  • The Wolfies and Ninjas race to the top of the mountain, and they continue fighting over who it belongs to. Gekko breaks the PJ Masks out of the rocks, and they join the others at the top of the mountain.
  • The mountain starts rumbling, and a door suddenly opens in the pagoda. A giant glowing ball rolls out and starts chasing the group down the mountain. As they run, the PJ Masks explain to Night Ninja that the mountain was angry about the fighting between him and the Wolfies.
  • One of the Ninjalinos falls, and the ball is about to run him over. Owlette asks Night Ninja to work together with them to be a hero and stop the rock. The Ninjalinos combine their ninja fingers with the PJ Masks’ powers, and they successfully stop the rock before it hurts anyone.
  • The PJ Masks and Night Ninja compliment each other on a job well done and are glad that they worked together. The PJ Masks are happy they can share the mountain with the Ninjas in the end.

Part 2: Romeo’s Crystal Clear Plan

  • PJ Robot is working alone in HQ when someone slyly breaks in and robs them. The robot alerts Connor, Amaya, and Greg, and they turn into the PJ Masks to investigate the robbery.
  • The PJ Masks realize the special moon crystal was stolen from their HQ, and they suspect that Luna Girl took it because she had wanted it originally. PJ Robot feels bad about the robbery, but Owlette assures him that he didn’t do anything wrong. They decide to head out to find Luna Girl, and PJ Robot wants to come with them, but Catboy tells PJ Robot to stay behind to keep an eye on HQ.
  • The PJ Masks find Luna Girl, but she tells them that she doesn’t have the crystal. Romeo suddenly appears and brags that he teleported into HQ to steal the crystal. The PJ Masks beg him to give it back because it’s powerful and dangerous, but Romeo says he’ll use it to take over the world.
  • Romeo tries putting the crystal into some of his rays to use them against the PJ Masks, but he doesn’t know how to control the crystal. Instead of causing destruction, the rays end up creating good things like flowers and cake. The PJ Masks ask him to give the crystal back to them, and Luna Girl argues that he should give it to her instead.
  • Romeo gives his crystal to his robot, and suddenly his robot grows larger and more powerful. The robot insists that he’s the master now and he’s going to use the crystal to control everything.
  • Gekko looks sad, and he tells Owlette and Catboy that he feels bad for PJ Robot because the robot thinks this is all its fault even though it’s Romeo’s fault. Catboy insists that they won’t let Romeo get away with it.
  • The robot flies around erratically, and Owlette is able to blow it down with her owl wing wind power. Luna Girl grabs the crystal when it falls to the ground, and she uses her crystal-powered magic wand to trap the PJ Masks and Romeo in glowing bubbles.
  • PJ Robot suddenly shows up and charges at Luna Girl, and the robot successfully pries the crystal from her hands. Romeo and the PJ Masks tumble out of their bubbles, and everyone engages in a struggle for the crystal.
  • PJ Robot gets the crystal again, and he uses its power to make many robot clones. Romeo runs away in fear, and the PJ Masks send Luna Girl flying away erratically as well.
  • Catboy thanks PJ Robot for showing up even though they asked it to stay at HQ, because if it hadn’t shown up they’d still be in big trouble.

Discussion Questions

After your child watches this episode, you can discuss topics with your child including sharing, working together, and feeling guilty. Consider some of the following questions to get started.

  • Why were the Wolfies and the Ninjas fighting in the first part of the episode? What was the PJ Masks’ suggestion for what they should do? Do you think sharing would have been a good idea? Why do you think they didn’t want to share the mountain?
  • Can you think of something that you’ve shared with someone else? What about something that it was hard for you to share, or something you didn’t want to share? How do you feel when you share something with a friend?
  • Why did the PJ Masks and Night Ninja decide to work together? How do you think they felt about each other after they worked together?
  • How do you think PJ Robot felt after the robbery at HQ? Why do you think he felt that way? Do you think the PJ Masks were upset with PJ Robot? Do you think the robbery was PJ Robot’s fault?

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