
Yellow Bellied Sea Snakes / Loneliest Whale

Season 4 Episode 10

Themes:  Feeling Scared, Perseverance

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Plot Highlights

Prominent Characters


The medic of the Octonauts, Peso overcomes some of his own fear to help a group of snakes in the first part of the episode. In the second part of the episode, he tries to sing the humpback whale’s song to find him again, and he doesn’t give up despite some failed attempts.


Tweak is the tech-savvy inventor Octonaut, and in the second part of the episode she creates a machine for the lonely whale to change his singing voice so the other whales understand him.

Captain Barnacles

The leader of the Octonauts, Captain Barnacles helps the group plan and delegate roles to accomplish their goals. In the second part of the episode, he encourages Peso to keep trying when he tries to sing the whale’s song.

Plot Highlights

Part 1: Yellow Bellied Sea Snakes

  • While Peso is out in the ocean caring for patients, Captain Barnacles calls him and lets him know that a storm is coming. Peso promises to head back to the Octopod soon, but he hears someone calling out for help. He finds a group of yellow-bellied sea snakes floating on the surface, and Shellington tells him over the radio that the snakes are poisonous.
  • Peso meets Simone, a snake who needs help getting a splinter out of her tail. Though he appears a bit scared, Peso assures her he’ll help her. Before he has the chance to get the splinter out, though, Peso is caught up in the storm and tossed around in the waves. He wakes up on an island, unsure of where he is, and he’s surrounded by the snakes.
  • Captain Barnacles radios to Peso, and Peso tells him that the snakes need help getting back into the water because the hot sun is irritating their scales. The Octonauts go to the island to help Peso and the snakes.
  • When they arrive, the Octonauts need to find a way to transport the snakes without picking them up. Twig suggests they build a swimming pool on the beach, and the group gets to work carrying out the plan. They construct the pool and the water carries the snakes back into the ocean.
  • Peso still needs to remove Simone’s splinter, but his fin is broken. He gives Captain Barnacles and Quazi instructions for how to bandage his fin using. Afterward, Simone appears scared and braces herself before Peso removes her splinter, but Peso gently removes it before she even notices that he’s done it.
  • Simone thanks Peso, and the snakes head back out to sea.

Part 2: Loneliest Whale

  • The Octonauts are in their home, the Octopod, and they’re listening to the song that humpback whales around them are singing. They use their radio to listen to whales around the world, and hear that they’re all singing the same song. They find one whale on the radio that sounds different, and they head out in the GUP to find it, curious about its unique song.
  • They find the source of the mysterious song, a lone humpback whale who tells them his name is Joe. His song is higher-pitched than the rest of the humpback whales, and he explains that the others don’t understand his singing so he’s always alone. Joe is very hungry, and the Octonauts worry that he won’t get enough food if the other whales don’t take him with them to their summer feeding ground.
  • The Octonauts bring Joe back to the Octopod and give him some fish biscuits to reduce his hunger, but they know that fish biscuits won’t be enough for him. Peso takes an x-ray and sees that the tubes in Joe’s nose are much narrower than a typical humpback whale, explaining his high-pitched singing.
  • Twig creates a machine that can change the sound of Joe’s singing to match the other humpback whales. Peso sticks it on Joe’s neck, but when he tries it out it makes a loud screeching noise that scares Joe off.
  • Twig fixes the machine, but Joe escaped into the ocean and they need to find him again. Peso uses the voice-changing machine to change his own voice to resemble Joe’s singing. After a couple of failed attempts, Barnacles encourages Peso to keep trying. He finally gets the song to match Joe’s and Joe swims to them.
  • They put the voice-changing machine back on Joe, and he starts singing his song. Other humpback whales, who can now understand his song, find him and invite him to join them to the feeding grounds.
  • Humpbacks all around the world start joining Joe in singing his song as he swims with the other whales to the feeding grounds.

Discussion Questions

This episode provides an opportunity to discuss themes with your child including overcoming fear and perseverance. Consider exploring some of the following questions in a conversation with your child.

  • Do you think Peso was afraid of the snakes? If he was, why do you think he helped Simone the snake anyway? What’s something that you’re afraid of?
  • Why do you think Simone felt scared before Peso removed her splinter? Have you ever felt that way?
  • Why did the humpback whale, Joe, need the Octonauts’ help? How do you think he felt when he was all alone? Have you ever felt that way?
  • Do you remember when Peso tried to sing the whale’s song to get him to come back? What happened the first couple of times he tried? Why do you think he didn’t give up?

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