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6 Activities for Supporting Your Toddler's Language Development


As a parent, you play a crucial role in the language development of your little ones. Daily habits like talking and reading together are important, and incorporating other games and activities can be another fun way to help your child expand their vocabulary. We've put together a list of our favorite activities that you can use to support your child's language development at home.

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Holiday Gift Guide: STEM Gifts for Kids


Introducing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) toys to your kids can provide an array of benefits, from supporting problem solving skills and introducing kids to scientific concepts, to fostering a positive attitude toward learning more broadly. A wide range of STEM-related toys available today make it easy to make learning fun for your kids, and we’ve rounded up our favorites for kids from preschoolers to teens.

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Holiday Gift Guide: Educational Gifts for Kids


Wondering what to get your kids this holiday season? We put together a gift guide highlighting some of the great educational toys and activities I've seen out there this year.

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Conquering Screen Time Guilt: Tips to Support Your Child's Learning with Media


In today's media-filled world, traditional strict screentime guidelines aren't practical for many families. With COVID-19 put on top of that, I've heard from many parents who are feeling guilty about the amount of screen time their kids are getting. Here are our tips for using media in a positive way so you can feel good about your kids and technology.

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About the Author

Kate Whitney headshot

Kate Whitney

Hi, I'm Kate! I received my M.S. from Stanford's Graduate School of Education, where I focused on studying educational technology for children. Now, I want to share what I've learned about education and research to create great learning experiences for kids & their families.

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