PJ Masks

Age 4+
Available on Netflix

Connor, Amaya, and Greg turn into the PJ Masks at night time to fight crime. As the PJ Masks, Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko overcome challenges to defeat the villains in their city, from the evil genius Romeo, to high-flying Luna Girl, to the pesky Night Ninja and his sticky splat. Through their adventures, the show explores themes like working together, perseverance, and doing the right thing.

Common Themes: Working Together, Helping

Moonfizzle Balls / Soccer Ninjalinos

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Catboy, Owlette, and Gecko defend the town from Luna Girl and her hypnotizing “moonfizzle balls” that are zapping people’s brains and making them worship her and the moon. In the second part of the episode, the group must work together to defeat the Ninjalinos in a street soccer game before they fill the PJ Masks HQ with sticky splat. After this episode, you can talk to your child about themes including making mistakes and working together.

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Lionel-Saurus / Catboy's Cuddly

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks overcome disagreements to save their HQ after the villain Simon grows Gecko’s pet lizard to create the giant Lionel-Saurus. In the second part of the episode, the trio stops Simon from turning all of the town’s cuddly stuffed animals into Simon dolls, and they realize they never needed to be embarrassed about having cuddlies themselves. After your child watches this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes like overcoming disagreement and feeling embarrassed.

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Terrible Two-Some / Owlette's Luna Trouble

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the villain Romeo uses a baby-beam to turn Catboy and Owlette into two-year-olds, and Gekko finds a way to still work together with the others to defeat Romeo before he’s also baby-beamed. In the second part of the episode, the PJ Masks team up with another villain, Luna, to stop Romeo when he’s trying to steal Luna’s power, but Luna and Owlette have to get past their arguing before they can really work together. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including working together and resolving conflict.

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Night of the Cat / Catboy Does it Again

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Catboy is determined to increasing his “catability” powers by carrying out a midnight ritual he read about in a book, but he puts his friends in harm’s way in pursuit of the goal. In the second part of the episode, Catboy refuses to take the time to plan ahead before they head out to defeat Romeo, leading to a series of failures before the group changes their approach. After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes including improving through practice, working as a team, and planning ahead with your child.

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Ninja Moths / Who's Got the Owl Power?

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks team up to help two villains whose sidekicks have turned against them because they were being mean, showing that heroes do help everyone. In the second part of the episode, the PJ Masks get tricked by Night Ninja into completing a treasure hunt for him, but they use his own sticky splat to stop him from destroying their HQ. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including helping others, being kind, and being careful.

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PJ Pinball / Bounce-a-Tron

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks’ confidence about their abilities to handle anything lead them to underestimate Romeo and nearly get defeated by his giant pinball game. In the second part of the episode, Catboy’s determination to prove that he’s super leads to a series of mishaps as they try to defeat Romeo and Night Ninja, but the PJ Masks work together in the end to save the day. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including perseverance and teamwork.

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PJ Robot / PJ Power Up

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks adopt Romeo’s new mini-robot as a new member of their team when Romeo is mean and tries to control it. In the second part of the episode, they struggle to find a role for the new PJ Robot and it appears discouraged when they don’t find it useful, but it ultimately helps them unlock a whole new set of powers. After watching this episode, you can discuss themes like being nice, identifying emotions of others, and making mistakes with your child.

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Wacky Floats / Romeo's Disguise

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Gekko gets the group into sticky situations when he prioritizes defending his own carnival float instead of thinking about the group. In the second part of the episode, Romeo disguises as Owlette and tricks Catboy and Gekko into doing some unheroic and mean things by playing tricks on other villains. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child such as working as a team, and doing the right thing & being a hero.

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Moonstruck: Race to the Moon / Moonstruck: Lunar Fortress

24 minutes

In this episode, the PJ Masks take their HQ in rocket-mode to the moon to stop Luna Girl from getting possession of an ultra-powerful harvest moon crystal. Though Gekko is a bit scared about their journey and nervous about being away from home, he displays great bravery when he ventures out alone to save Catboy and Owlette after Luna traps them in her fortress. This episode includes themes including feeling scared, being away from home, and being brave.

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Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko Master of the Deep

24 minutes

In the first part of the episode, Catboy gets zapped by Romeo’s invention and turns into an actual cat to be a pet for Romeo’s robot, and he has to overcome his new cat instincts in order to stop Romeo with Owlette and Gekko. In the second part of the episode, Gekko doesn’t want to admit to the others that he was scared to follow Romeo into an underwater cave, but when he finally does he realizes he should have asked for their help sooner. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child like feeling scared and asking for help.

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May the Best Power Win / Moonbreaker

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Romeo overhears the PJ Masks bragging about their new powers and creates an invention to counter them, and the group needs to work together to defeat him. In the second part of the episode, the PJ Masks have to team up with the usual villain Luna Girl when Romeo threatens to destroy the moon. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child including working together and trusting others.

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Race Up Mystery Mountain / The Mountain Prisoner

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks follow Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos to Mystery Mountain, where they hope to find a gold ring promising the ultimate “ninjability.” In the second part of the episode, the group returns to Mystery Mountain to rescue PJ Robot, who Night Ninja has kidnapped, and they realize that working together is an even stronger power than the powerful gold ring. Prominent themes in this episode are working together and looking out for others.

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The Wolfy Kids / Wolf-O-Saurus

24 minutes

In this episode, the PJ Masks meet a new trio of villains: the Wolfy Kids. In the first part of the episode, Owlette encourages Catboy to think of the whole town (and not just his Cat Car) as they try to stop the Wolfy Kids’ path of destruction. In the second part of the episode, Gekko’s knowledge of dinosaurs comes in handy when the Wolfies start stealing bones from the town’s museum. After this episode, you can discuss themes with your child like looking out for others.

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Easter Wolfies / Luna and the Wolfies

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Gekko struggles to wait until Easter to eat his chocolate Easter egg, which leads to trouble when the Wolfies try to get their hands on the eggs. In the second part of the episode, Owlette’s plan to defeat Luna Girl gets derailed when Luna Girl has an unexpected back-up power source, and Owlette ultimately needs to listen to others’ ideas to defeat her. After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes with your child including patience, working with others, and persevering when things don’t go your way.

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Catboy No More / Gekko Vs. the Splatcano

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Catboy struggles with feeling useless after Romeo steals his powers, but he realizes in the end that he can be heroic even without them. In the second part of the episode, Gekko is resistant to returning to the Mystery Mountain pagoda after one of the booby traps sent him flying, but when it’s up to him to save them from a splat volcano he learns that he’s capable of a lot more than just his muscle. After this episode, we encourage you to discuss themes with your child including feeling sad and persevering after having trouble.

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Meet Armadylan / Invisible Owlette

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks meet a new superhero named Armadylan, but he causes some destruction around town because he doesn’t know how to use his powers for good yet. He gets mad when they try to help him, but they eventually show him that he can get better with practice. In the second part of the episode, Romeo accidentally makes Owlette invisible, and she feels hurt when Catboy and Gekko forget to include her in their plans. After this episode, you can discuss topics with your child including helping others, handling misunderstanding, and working as a team.

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Wolfy Mountain / Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the PJ Masks urge the Wolfy Kids and the Ninjalinos to share Mystery Mountain, and they have to team up with Night Ninja to save one of his Ninjalinos when their fighting makes the mountain angry. In the second part of the episode, PJ Robot feels bad after Romeo steals the precious moon crystal from the PJ Masks’ HQ, but the robot ultimately saves the day and helps the PJ Masks get the crystal back. After this episode, you can discuss topics with your child including sharing, working together, and feeling guilty.

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Nobody's Sidekick / Armadylan Menace

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Romeo tricks Armadylan into helping him steal from the town to build a new HQ, and Armadylan becomes angry and destructive when he realizes Romeo tricked him into doing something un-heroic. The PJ Masks help Armadylan act like a hero after all. In the second part of the episode, Armadylan accuses the PJ Masks of stealing from the comic book store, but he teams up with the PJ Masks in the end to defeat Night Ninja after they realize the Ninjas framed the PJ Masks. After this episode, you can discuss topics with your child including being a hero and feeling angry.

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Power Pondweed / Owlette Comes Clean

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, Gekko takes the lead to stop Romeo’s under-water attempts to get more power from a pondweed patch, and he refuses to give up even when he faces challenges and makes mistakes. In the second part of the episode, Owlette is afraid to tell Catboy and Gekko about accidentally breaking a telescope, but she ultimately is honest with them and apologizes for letting Luna Girl take the blame. This episode includes the themes of perseverance and honesty.

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The Wolfies Take HQ / The Good Wolfy

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, PJ Robot helps the PJ Masks save their HQ when the Wolfies try to take it over and use it to fly to the moon. In the second part of the episode, one of the Wolfies, Kevin, decides that he wants to do good, but he’s pushed out of the Wolfy Pack when they tell him that there’s no such thing as a good Wolfy. In the end, he does good and rescues his friends, showing them that wolfies can be good after all. After this episode, we encourage you to discuss the theme of doing the right thing with your child, and consider asking them what they thought about Kevin’s decision to do good.

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The Wolfy Plan / The Lizard Theft

24 minutes

In the first part of this episode, the Wolfies try to use Owlette’s own feathers against her when one of the Wolfies, Rip, gets the idea to make the other Wolfies fly using the feathers. In the second part of the episode, someone tries to steal Gekko’s pet lizard, and he gets a funny feeling when they’re out looking for the culprit. The clues aren’t adding up, but when Gekko thinks hard about it he realizes someone they didn’t suspect might be behind it. This episode includes themes like making safe choices, looking out for others, and analyzing situations.

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